Chapter 5

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The rest of the day passed quietly for Jonas. The teachers left him alone and the students steered clear because of the emblem on his chest. He felt ridiculous that he was crowned as a King on his first day, but this seemed to fit him more than the jock pretty boy from the years before.

The last class of the day had him and Travis together. Travis was continuing with his non stop chatter, but Jonas never needed to respond so he silently listen to the continuous dialogue. After class Hugh, Millan, and Jaiden met up with them.

"Jo, where are you shacked up now?" Jaiden asked. They others started to mimic Hugh and started to call him Jo as well.

"Off site dorms. I have a friend dropping off my stuff now so I can move in officially."

Travis jumped on Jonas' back, forcing Jonas to give him a piggyback ride. But the kid was light, so he didn't bother with complaining and just went with it. "That's where we're going too. We all live there. Which room?"


Hugh let out a cheer and high fived Jaiden. Travis slapped Jonas' shoulder. "Shut the front door. You're rooming with us!"

The dorms were shared spaces; four to a living space. In the dorm, there was a common area with a living room, eating area, and a kitchenette. Then it branched off to two rooms. Each room had two beds and desks, and a bathroom.

Hugh nudged him. "You're totally rooming with me."

"Are you testing my biting threat?" Jonas said, giving him a long look. Jonas looked at Hugh's neck, where it dipped into his shoulders and restrained his desire to actually sink his teeth in. It seemed welcoming.

Not realizing the predator was emerging in Jonas, Hugh was rambling. "Only four to a dorm, but Millan will probably crash on our couch most of the weekends. So we're really five in a living space. But your side of the room is clear. I'm not super messy, but I may snore."

Jonas nodded. "It's ok. I snore like a beast, so I feel for you."

"Why didn't you move in sooner?"

Jonas shrugged. "I was crashing at a friend's house and the application for the dorms came late. Just got confirmed a couple of days ago."

The dorms were only a 10 minute walk from the school building so they got there pretty quickly. Jonas noticed a truck parked on the side of the road with two large burly men leaning up against it. The group around him watched the suspicious two men. The men noticed the approach group and stepped away from the truck and towards them.

"Hugh?" Jaiden whispered.

"I know." He said seriously. He didn't know what these two men wanted, but he could tell they would be near impossible to take down because of their build.

However, Jonas kept walking towards them, ignoring the desperate and nervous pulls from Travis. Jonas surprised all of them when he nodded to them. "Boss, Everett. Thanks for your help."

"Of course, son." The one Jonas addressed 'boss' said with a warm smile.

Hugh was the first to recover from their interaction. "Sweetheart, you know them? Is that your dad?"

The two big men cracked up. "Sweetheart?  Didn't think someone would be that close to you."

Hugh and Jonas had been joking with each other since lunch, even in their group chat and would call each other sweetheart and babe.

Jonas shrugged. "What can I say? He likes the abuse."

"Guys, this is Chuck and Everett. Good friends of mine." Jonas introduced everyone around him, keeping Travis on his back the entire time.

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