Chapter 40

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True to his world, Lukas checked in with Jonas the next day.  Although Jonas ignored it, another text came in the day after that and so on.  Jonas tried blocking his number, but Lukas jut got another phone and started messaging him.  Jonas and Hugh just learned to ignore it.

Lukas: Wolfie! Have you changed your mind yet?

Lukas: Have you blocked me again?  You know better than that.

Lukas: I knew you wouldn't block me again.  Tell me, are you ready for our Wolf Hunt?

Lukas: I'm even letting you choose the date - as long as you give in during the given timeframe.

Lukas: You should check out this forum.  Everyone is betting on when you will cave.

Much to Jonas and Hugh's frustration, Lukas sent him an invite to a special St. Vincent's forum.  It was for select Elites that had no ties with Jonas and they were all discussing how they will be hunting the Wolf soon.  They were always so scared when they met him face to face, but so brave in their chat. Goddamn Keyboard Warriors.

Lukas: Did you see?  Jackson just lost $100 because you haven't given in yet.  Honestly, I know I will be the winner.

Lukas: Don't you want to know what date I selected you will say yes to me?

Lukas: Why spoil the surprise.  You will know when that day arrives.

Lukas: I look forward to seeing you crumble... again

Lukas: Just a few days until Christmas!  Are you ready to give me your present?

Lukas: How's your baby brother?

Jonas and Hugh were standing in the kitchen of the common room together.  Travis and the others left to go shopping, so it was just the two of them.  But Jonas was gripping a coffee mug and trembling while Hugh was trying to comfort him.

"You spoke with him yesterday morning, right?" Hugh asked.  He was equally concerned about the last message that Lukas sent.

Jonas nodded.  "We normally talk at nights too, but sometimes he's busy so it not every night.  But he didn't even leave me a message this morning." 

He was terrified to look, but he even tried to log into the cloud storage where they automatically uploaded the videos of their abuse.  But to his horror, the password was changed and he couldn't access it.  He just checked it a couple of days ago and it was fine.

He roughly sat down the mug, splashing untouched coffee on the counter. It was already dark out.

At that moment, Travis, Jaiden, and the other Kings came into the dorm.  Jonas rushed up to Travis and held him tightly by the arms, making him drop his bags.  He let out a little yelp, alarming the others.  "Have you heard from Eli?"

Hugh placed an arm on Jonas'.  "Jo, let him go."

Jonas shuddered, realizing how tightly he was holding on to Travis.  He mumbled out an apology as he backed up.

Travis was put off and rubbed his arms.  He gave Jonas a glare.  "We talked yesterday morning."

"That was the last time you talked to him?  Nothing last night or this morning?" Jonas asked nervously.

Hugh bit his lip.  "Not even a text message, Travis?"

Travis shrugged.  "He's probably busy.  He mentioned the holiday party he had to go to tonight, so I figured that was it."

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