Bonus: Eli (1)

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When Eli first saw him, it was just by chance.  A fleeting glimpse.  But he couldn't help but to stare at the long blonde curls that framed his amazingly beautiful face like a halo.  He was built like a dancer, slender and graceful. He had a pure smile and eyes like the ocean.  How could someone be so perfect?

And how could he be in such a terrible situation?

When you're trying to come out of the closet one second, and then stuffed into a literal closet the next, you know something is wrong with your family.

Eli's big brother was everything to him and with his support he could tolerate the cold stares and neglect from his parents.  He was happy, for the most part. He was just upset how tired Jonas looked everyday.  He always seemed happy at school or playing sports, but when he got home, Eli would notice the utter exhaustion plastered on his face.

But the moment Jonas saw Eli, he would perk up and a smile would always appear.  So he thought his coming out day would have been something more... celebratory.  But a noise he made woke his father, resulting with him being shoved in a closet and watching the horrors Jonas had to face through a crack in the door.  His coming out day was a day he fully stepped into a nightmare.

His parents were monsters.

He could never come out to them.  So when he first saw the angelic boy months ago, he knew he could never talk to him.

It was tradition for his group of friends to go to the mall every Friday.  He used to hate it, but now he would use these days to look into the crowd, in hopes for just a quick look. He wasn't lucky most days, but sometimes, he would see him across the way and he would suddenly feel like he was taking a breath of fresh air.  All the horrible shit that the Spencer brothers endured was washed away during those lingering looks.

But he would never approach him.  He would never speak to him.  And he would never interact with him.

He was content to admire him from afar when fate decided to be kind to him. And when he was free from his parents, maybe then he would introduce himself.

He wanted to tell Jonas all about him, spill everything about his crush, but Jonas was gone now. As much as it hurt him to be alone in the large and silent house, he was glad. Jonas suffered too much and he couldn't do anything to help him.

Jonas tried to keep everything quiet. The abuse, the basement, and all the fights and bullying at school. But when Eli was called to the hospital every so often, he knew that something terrible was happening, more than what Jonas ever let on.

They did everything to keep each other safe, and now Jonas had a way out. He was going to Hawkings, living out his senior year, and surviving.

Eli stood in front of the mirror and examined his features. He looked a lot like Jonas. Black hair, grey eyes, just smaller. He didn't like fighting or working out so he had a slim frame and a rounder face.

He ran his hands gingerly over his chest, looking at the bruises that had already formed and turned purple. He thanked whatever god was out there that Jonas was not here to see it. He didn't need to know that their father came back.

But the fresh cut on his lip was going to be troublesome. He could play that off at school. When the Wolf is your big brother, no one really questions who hurts you. But it gutted him that they assumed that it was Jonas, especially when Jonas was the only one who gave a damn about him.

With an internal groan he dressed and left for school, leaving behind the house that haunted him. He hated home and he hated school. But escaping was nearly impossible. They were tethered by their family's status and money. Jonas was trying to get him out, but he knew it was a far fetched dream.

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