Chapter 45

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How was Lukas involved?  He was always involved.  He was always instigating and turning the wheel.  If it was enjoyable for him, nothing would stop him. 

The room stilled when the question was asked, especially after seeing the reactions from the two of them.  They all remembered the words between Lukas and Hugh, so it was easy to catch on that there was something bigger happening.  They just couldn't focus on it in the moment. 

Jonas rubbed his neck.  "Well, it's complicated."

Hugh snorted.  "It's not that complicated.  You just don't want to tell anyone about it."

Jonas shot him a glare. "Lukas offered proposition."

"Why are you sugar coating it.  It wasn't a proposition, but a threat."  Hugh huffed.  "It's like you're still considering it."

Jonas sighed and rubbed his temples with his hands.  "I'm trying to come up with plans, but I am running into walls.  You know that, Hugh.  You haven't thought of anything either."

"I fucking know that, Jo, but the answer should always be a resounding no."

Jonas shook his head.  "I wish it was as easy as that.  If I could say no in confidence, we would not be in this position.  Eli would not be in the hospital.  We cannot run from this unscathed."

"Jo, we talked about this."  Hugh's voice almost turned to a pleading.

Jonas nodded.  "We talked about it and agreed that I will not be go through this alone.  I am hoping that offer still stands."

Hugh's eyes softened.  "It will always stand."

Jonas gripped his hand and took a deep breath. "Lukas' offer was not a choice of accept or decline.  It was a choice of when.  He will have his way, and I can't think of anyway I can get out of this while keeping everyone safe."

Emilia was trembling in Sam's arms. "Mila, are you ok?" He asked, breaking the attention from Jonas and Hugh.

"He's right." She said quietly.  "If it's Lukas, he doesn't have a choice.  It's going to happen no matter what.  Lukas... is a monster."

"But you stood up to him."  Sam said, trying to encourage her. 

Jonas gave her a sympathetic look. "But at what cost?"

She laughed a little while tears fell.  "My parents are already enrolling me into another school for the next semester, a couple of marriage proposals have been rescinded, and I am looking at attending one of my backup colleges.  But that's nothing compared to you, Joey.  He is obsessed with you and was already irate when you disappeared on him."

"But why Jo?"  Sam asked and Jonas shrugged his shoulders.  He never figured out why Lukas turned on him.

Emilia's eyes widened when she saw Jonas perplexed.  "You really don't know? Oh, Joey. I'm so sorry." 

She wiped her tears and looked around the room to end safe. She spoke quietly, as if she was telling a secret.  "What Hugh said about him liking you made sense. But his affection takes the form of obsessive possession. He has always tried to isolate you to keep you to himself. But there's more to it... At St. Vincent's we have Elites, but there will be one senior Elite who is above all others in social standings.  He controls the school.  He has major influence of the socialites and will always be a leader in his social circle.  Call him the Alpha, if you want. The Alpha is basically selected and groomed from the moment they enter as a Freshman.  They stand out, succeed, and are charismatic.  They will have a natural following.  Joey was selected for this role before he even entered St. Vincent's.  All previous Alphas knew that Jonas was the one to be their successor.  He was a natural and didn't even needed to be told of his future role because he was unconsciously already taking up the reins. But if you got this role, Lukas would lose all control over you."

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