Chapter 30

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Jonas and Hugh were woken up by a persistent knock on the door.  Hugh groaned. "Someone better be dead."

"Stop being a grump ass!  Food's here boys."  Travis yelled from the other side of the door.  Luckily they locked it or Travis would have barged into the room and discover Hugh and Jonas curled up with each other completely naked.

Hugh gave Jonas a kiss.  "You hungry?"

Jonas grinned.  "Famished."

They threw on joggers and tank tops and exited the room.  They saw the other Kings stumbling out of Travis' room.  They were obviously just woken up as well.  Their common area was filled with a ton of boys and the front door was open to a massive hallway party.  All of Hawkings were celebrating in the dorms.

Hugh asked Travis where they got the many boxes of pizza, chicken wings, and other dishes.  Travis explained happily that a lot of the businesses pitched in and donated food for them today to thank them for their work last night.  The city was pulling behind them.

When the others noticed the Kings emerged a loud cheer from the boys echoed in the whole dorm. They started to chant for their Kings. Jonas waved lazily and made his way to the kitchen for some coffee.  Hugh was right behind him and they both got a cup. They let the other Kings handle the crowd so they could have their own conversation.

Hugh examined Jonas' cheek again that had a darkening bruise and cursed.  "I should have fucking hit him back."

Jonas shook his head.  "One day, I will.  I just need to get Eli out there.  Honestly, your dad and I have already discussed asking Chuck for help so we may see light at the end of the tunnel soon."

"Eli's a good kid.  He's tough too.  I can't believe he plays the piano instead of fight like you." Hugh said with a laugh.

"He's something else.  I'm glad he's not like me.  He just needs to stop stealing my pick up lines."  He grumbled as he looked at Travis who was texting on his phone with a bright blush on his cheeks.

"Wait!  That line about being a sinner was yours?"  Hugh said with wide eyes.  "I feel like I got cheated!  You never used a pick up line for me."

Jonas raised an eyebrow.  "Didn't I offer to bite you the first day we met?"

"As enjoyable and sexy that sounds, it's not much of a pick up line.  Come on sweetheart, sweep me off of my feet." Hugh said with a wink.

Jonas was leaning on the counter. Hugh leaned in close, pressing his hands on either side of Jonas, pinning in him place.  He was anticipating what would come out of Jonas' mouth.

Jonas smirked and ran his and through Hugh's hair.  "How in the world can I sweep you off your feet when I have already lost my footing and am falling for you." 

Hugh's eyes darkened and he bit his lip. "Damn."

Jonas gave him a small kiss.  "Still, I'll find a way because I would do anything for you if you asked me.  If you were an angel, I would learn how to grow wings and fly to the heavens for you.  If you were the devil, I will walk through the fires of hell to you.  Heaven or hell be damned, the only thing that matters is if I can call you mine."

Hugh was smiling. "Jonas fucking Spencer has a smooth tongue."

Jonas gave him a smirk. "I thought you knew a lot about my tongue."

Jonas gently pulled Hugh's face closer and pressed his lips to Hugh's.  Hugh moved his arms to wrap them around Jonas' waist. Jonas parted his lips inviting Hugh's tongue, which he accepted greedily.  Jonas ran his hand across Hugh's cheek and into his hair, grabbing on.

Kings of Hawkings [bxb]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon