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⚠️Description of Death, blood, car crash, a little gore. ⚠️

November 8th 2019

I was woken by the high pitch wails of Evie, let me tell you she is the sweetest most innocent thing to ever exist but my God does she have a pair of lungs on her. I look to my right, the big red digits of the clock flashing 2.34am in my face, well at least she stayed quiet for an extra few minutes tonight. I feel Sarah stir next to me, a small disapproving grunt leaving her lips.

"It's okay baby, I've got her." Sarah lazily gives me a thumbs up and a small thank you as I climb out of the bed. "Love you."

"Love you too." Her voice riddled with sleep and muffled by the pillow, I give her a quick peck on the forehead before making my way to her side of the bed, where the bedside crib is. 

"Hello my little angel." I pick up her small body, holding her securely in one arm as my other searches for her toy elephant that Tony was adamant would be her favourite toy once she grew up. I mean she loves it now, but that's probably because the nose has a rattle in it and the ears make a funny crunching noise when you scrunch them in your hands. I hold it up in the air where she can see it and her eyes go wide, her crying turns to sniffles. I bring it down to boop her on the nose with it and she gives me a gummy smile as she coos up to it. She smacks her lips together, which is a tell tale sign she is hungry. 

"Mama's boobs are too sensitive right now baby, but let's make you a bottle." I wrap her tiny body back up in a blanket so she doesn't get cold, the small elephant toy under my armpit so I don't have to struggle with the doors on the way around the house. I put a little hat on her and make sure her hands are also wrapped up in the blanket, it gets cold this time of year in Sokovia. Well I mean it's pretty much cold all year around, but November and December are definitely the worst times for it. 

I open the bedroom door, giving one last look to my sleeping wife before leaving her in peace as I coo down at Evie to try and keep her calm as we move through the cold hallways. I brought my phone with me, so tap a few buttons and hear the heating click on. The lights in the kitchen flicker on when I enter and my body shivers at the temperature in the room. Why is the kitchen always the coldest place in the house? I pull Evie more towards me to try and allow my body heat to radiate through the blanket a little while the heating does it's job. I fill up the kettle, turning it on so the water can boil while I grab some of the good ole breast milk out of the fridge. I pumped it today so it should still be nice and fresh, hopefully satisfying Evie's huge appetite. 

I pour the milk into one of her bottles and put it in the small bottle heater, because we all know that babies like their milk warm. It's weird to think about but it's not actually half bad, before you lot go crazy with your smirking faces imma stop you. No. We have to taste test the milk to make sure it's not too hot or too cold, get your heads out of the gutter your dirty minded people.

Anyway...where was I? Oh right, heating the baby milk. 

As the milk is heating up the kettle comes to a boil, with Evie still in my hand I grab a mug from the cupboard putting it down on the counter. I put in a tea bag and fill up the mug with hot water, the aroma of the green tea fills my nose and it makes me sigh in bliss. I would have a normal cup of tea, but it's now 2.46am if the clock in the kitchen is right, and the green tea normally helps me get back to sleep easier. I see Evie's bottom lip quiver, and know that she is getting more and more hungry. Come on stupid heater, heat it quicker my baby is about to wake up the whole street.

As if the heater heard me, it pings to let me know it's done. I carefully take the hot bottle out of its place, making sure it's not too hot for me to hold with my bare hand. Because my other arm is wrapped around Evie's body I bring the bottle up to my mouth letting a few drops of milk escape and land on my tongue. It doesn't taste the best, but it's not horrible and it's the perfect temperature for my little baby. I bounce her in my arms as I walk from the kitchen to the living room wanting to sit on the couch to feed her. Once I have settled on the edge of the couch, I bring the bottle up to Evie's mouth and her lips attach around the nipple of the bottle like we haven't fed her for days, when in reality it was a few hours ago. After a couple seconds I remove the bottle from her lips, so I can pace her and make sure she is just gulping down air. 

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