You ready?

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We are walking back towards the house, it has been quiet the whole time with Yelena letting me go through all my thoughts and emotions about what she told me. I appreciate that she is giving me a moment because I truly don't know what I am feeling. I mean of course I am feeling happy and relieved that Pietro - even though I have not met the man - is alive, it means that Wanda has her brother back and the boys their uncle. But, I just don't know how I feel about going back or if I want to.

I needed this time away to be able to go over the past few months, everything has happened so fast. We moved so quickly. Is there such a thing as moving too quickly? I hate feeling trapped in my own head by my own emotions and spiralling thoughts, not knowing which way to turn. I love Wanda, I am well and truly - wholeheartedly - in love with her. But just because you love someone so much doesn't mean that you should stay if you get hurt being with them right?

"Okay I have left you in your own thoughts long enough." The sound of Yelena's voice makes me jump a little, having been so lost in my own thoughts I kind of forgot she was next to me.


"No, no, please do not apologise. I just didn't want to have to see the steam coming out of your ears any longer with how hard you were thinking. And this time it is my fault. I shouldn't have told you about Pietro, I don't know why I did. It was selfish of me. But, back to you, what is it that you are thinking?" I stuff my hands in my pocket shrugging as I look at Yelena who is already looking at me inquisitively before looking back ahead.

"I don't know Lena, I am just going back and forth on what I should do. I mean I want to go back and help support Wanda and the boys through this but at the same time me and Wanda have things that we have to talk about. Like really talk about, discuss and even decide. I know this is going to be taking a toll on her but I don't want to go back and for us to fall into the same pattern." I sigh knowing that my mind is made up but I am just trying to justify a reason to go right now.

"Well maybe don't do it for Wanda." I raise my brow, kissing my teeth.

"Then there is no reason for me to go back, but then I am being selfish and I know that I can't stay here any longer. I want to sort everything out between the two of us. It's just Pietro's timing of waking up seems to have thrown a spanner in the works."

"Not really." I scoff at Yelena shaking my head a little.

"Oh yeah, how so?" She takes a couple steps to get ahead of me before turning around so she is walking backwards.

"Well for one you just said that you can't be here any longer. You already know that you want to go back and sort things out. Whether that means you two stay together and work through your shit, or you break up and never speak to one another again, or you decide that it's not the right time and you go back to being friends or go back to taking things slow. Doesn't matter though because you have already decided you want to go back. Pietro waking up is just you trying to have an excuse not to go back and avoid the whole thing. No one likes conflict, and no one likes talking to their partner about potentially breaking up. But just because her brother is awake doesn't mean she isn't going to have time for you. Because if that's what you are so afraid of then you truly don't know Wanda the way you think you do, or you do know her but you're choosing to not want to know her."

"You sound like my therapist." Yelena smiles cheekily before turning back around to walk forward and by my side again, wrapping her arm around my side and gently bumping us together.

"Well your therapist sounds like a smart lady. Now let's get you back to the house so we can figure out what we are all doing."


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