Bowl of Popcorn

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I make a dash out of the bedroom just after Wanda leaves. Wanda looks behind her at the sound of my movements, eyes going wide as she sees me chasing her down, she squeals as she runs off trying not to get caught. She runs into the kitchen avoiding Billy who is just trying to pour the popcorn into a bowl, lifting it up and out of the way as I make my way past him. Wanda stops on the other side of the counter, slightly out of breath at the sudden need to run while I stand on the other side a smirk playing at my lips. Billy comes past not bothered at the fact that me and Wanda are acting like children as he rejoins Tommy on the couch.

I make a move to go around the counter but Wanda just runs the other way, so now we are back on opposite sides. I jerk my body to the right so she will go to run away, as she does I quickly change direction so I am heading right for her. As she looks up to see where I am she screams at how close I've gotten and attempts to turn around. Her socks slide a bit on the tiled floor of the kitchen, like something out of an animation, but manages to find some grip and get away from me.

She heads straight into the living room, darting behind the couch the boys are sitting on. She braces her hands on the couch leaning over a bit to catch her breath but her eyes don't leave me as I stalk into the living room like an animal hunting its prey. The boys have put their phones down, watching this all unfold in front of them sharing the bowl of popcorn as they laugh at us both enjoying our antics. I stand a few feet in front of the couch my eyes flicking down to the space between the boys then back up to Wanda a look of realisation flashes on her face.

"No Y/n." There is no meaning behind her words as she points at me, trying not to laugh as I just nod my head. "No! Ahh!"

She squeals and runs as I jump up onto the couch and vault over the back of it as she runs to the other couch, me chasing close behind her. We run around the couch a couple of times before she stops at the front facing me and I stand behind the couch leaning behind it as I start catching my breath. A smile painted on both our faces as we try to decide our next moves. A few seconds later I decide to just go for it, attempting to vault over the back of the couch, but my left foot gets caught and I face plant the couch cushion and my body rolls hard onto the floor. I groan a little as Wanda and the boys burst out laughing, and I huff out air as I try to teach my lungs how to breathe again. 

"Are you okay baby?" Wanda puts her hand in front of her mouth to hide the fact that she is still laughing.

"I'm perfect princess." I smirk and before she can react I put my hands on the floor behind my head, pushing them up as I thrust my legs and hips in the air and push up with my arms. I land on my feet and stand straight up, grabbing Wanda by her waist and pull her down with me as I fall onto the couch. 

Her back lands on my legs and I immediately start tickling her stomach as her body squirms below me, her amazing laugh filling the room. I don't give in to my torment, digging my nails in slightly at her sides just above her waist and her body wiggles against my legs to try and get away, but not going nowhere. Her legs kick out as her body rolls onto her side and then back to the other as she tries fighting my grip on her waist, continuing to tickle her as her laughs become louder and louder and tears fall from her eyes from laughing so much.

"Stop...I….can't...breath." I stop my movements, but keep my hands holding her hips as she tries to regulate her breathing. I turn to look at the boys who are making their way to us, and sitting themselves down either side of me. Wanda starts to sit up as she calms down, not moving from my lap, she moves to sit sideways, her head resting against my chest as her legs lay across mine and now Tommy's who is sitting on my left.

Tommy leans in closer to me, lifting my arm up for me so he can rest his head against my shoulder: my hand resting on the back of the couch. My right hand tangles in Wanda's hair and I start scratching at her scalp causing her head to nuzzle against my chest more. Billy comes to sit next to me, his arm resting on the back of the couch behind me as he leans his body against me a bit. He doesn't seem to be as affectionate as Tommy, but it doesn't bother me. I don't want to make him feel uncomfortable so I just look his way sending him a small smile as he holds onto the popcorn bowl. 

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