Black Widow

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"So how's your week been?" I look up to the blond sat across from me taking a sip of her black coffee.

"It's been good." She curls an eyebrow at my reasons.

"Just good?"

"Yeah, it's just different."

"Different how?" 

"How much has Wanda told you?" 

"Bits and pieces, but not much since Monday." 

"So she hasn't told you about our talk we had that afternoon." The blonde shakes her head to the side.

"No, I was only there for the morning and when I left she seemed a little more at ease but was still very stiff if that makes sense." I bow my head letting out a small sigh.

"She had to come and pick me up Nat." Nat bends her head down so she is at my eye level.

"She picked you up from where?"

"The cemetery." 

"Ah. Well I don't really know anything that happened after I left. I mean she messaged me that night saying that she was staying back at her apartment and when I asked if you were there she said no. I may have bombarded her with questions but when she didn't reply I dropped it."

"So that's why you asked me today? To chew me out." I move my head to look at Nat, relaxing slightly when she smiles at me.

"Surprisingly, no. At first I thought I was, but when I saw the battle in your eyes when you greeted me I changed my mind. I'm here to listen. Wanda won't say a thing, apart from that you are both fine but I find that hard to believe."

"Well it's true we are fine."

"Your relationship is fine?"


"I sense a but coming." A huff out a laugh as I take a sip from my hot chocolate.

"But I asked for space."

"And is she respecting those boundaries?"

"She is."

"So what sort of space are we talking about?"

"We moved so fast into everything we did. We got lost in the feeling surrounding us both that we didn't take time to see how it was tearing us apart from the inside out. I practically moved in with her without us realising it. I spent every day at her apartment, and started calling it home. Now don't get me wrong it does feel like a home to me…"

"But you're not ready for it to be your home?"

"No." A lone tear runs down my face and drips onto the table. "I said I need some space away from the apartment. Maybe only stay on the weekends, like Friday and Saturday night going home Sunday morning or something. We still message each other maybe once or twice a day just to let the other know we are safe. It's odd going from seeing her everyday, to not at all."

"Yet it feels better than what you had before." Nat states.

"Yeah I don't feel so trapped by my guilt."

"You felt guilty?" 

"I feel a lot of things Natasha, guilt taking the number 1 spot. I don't feel guilty about what happened on Monday, I don't feel guilty for asking for space. I feel guilty that I am so able to freely love. I love Wanda unconditionally and at first I thought the pit in my stomach was just me being scared of losing that love. Instead it was me feeling guilty for feeling that love. My widowed brain can't seem to comprehend loving someone the way I love Wanda after losing Sarah. It just got so loud so quickly in my head that I lost every trace of myself in the process." 

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