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⚠️Brief mentions of grief. A small mention of abuse but again there is no depiction of it⚠️

(Wanda PoV)

I manage to climb up the tree without slipping and dying, which is an achievement in itself, and pull myself through the hatch doors crawling on my hands and knees till I feel safe enough away that I'm not going to slip backwards down the hole. I can't see Y/n in front of me but don't even get the chance to look behind me as a body collides with mine sending us flying down towards the bean bags that lay across the floor. I squeal in surprise at the sudden movement closing my eyes bracing for my body to be squished between Y/n and the bean bag. 

However, when we land it's only the bean bag that makes contact with the side of my body. I peek one eye open, only to see Y/n looking deep into my eyes, her hand moving to brush my hair out of my face for me. A fuzzy smile grows on her face and it makes my stomach do somersaults: I love her fuzzy smile. I bite my lip gently as my eyes look right back into hers, the eye contact is so intimate and intense and I feel like we are conveying all our emotions in just the way we look at one another. 

I scrunch my nose when Y/n's brushes her nose against it in a eskimo kiss but her eyes never move from mine. Her eyes seem almost brighter even in the poorly lit treehouse. Her blue eye is a mix between baby blue and a sky blue, with a little bit of dark ocean blue mixed in. The colors swirl together to make the most perfect blue I've ever seen. The amber I could almost describe as an almost golden yellow, with hints of fire orange mixing in. It's like looking at the most perfect sunset but it never goes behind the horizon because I get to look at those eyes everyday and I'm reminded how lucky I am to have found Y/n. 

At the beginning, before we made it official, I always thought it was just an infatuation I had for her. Since she was my first woman, the first night she made me feel things that someone I had been with for so long never could. She seemed to know all my spots that made me lose all self control, and even some I didn't know existed. However, as time went on and we went on all those dates, I would bring her lunch every day at work, we would spend every other moment tangled in the sheets, my body aching for more even after I was completely spent. I came to realise it wasn't infatuation but instead it was a deep affection.

An affection that had me yearning for her, wanting to care for her, wanting to show her the love that I feel makes my heart skip a beat everytime she smiles or laughs. An affection that makes me desire every bit of her, from her smart thinking brain all the way to her jigsaw puzzle of a damaged heart. I wanted all of her. It was never truly about the intimacy, even though she always makes me see stars, not be able to walk the next day; god even the aftercare is something I've never had and I never want to go without it again.

What it was truly about is how, even though we have both been through hardships and we both have a past that we can't seem to escape. We are good for one another, we are each other's people because we understand one another on a completely different level than anyone I've known. We may have our fights, I may not always be open and she will always be living with her grief but we make it easier for each other. 

Some days are going to be heard, like really fucking hard. Even with the space when we go back to New York, it is not because we don't want to be with one another but it's so we can be a better person for the other. I may never understand what it feels like to go through the traumas she has, but I do understand on a different level what she needs when those past trauma resurface. I can't tell you how I know that we understand each other but we both seem to recognise the fact that we do.

Y/n knows how to make me feel like the most important person in the world, she knows how to make me feel beautiful when I look in the mirror and hate what I see. She knows how to get me to open up without pushing me so far, and she knows when not to push and let me come to terms with something on my own. Y/n knows me on all levels and shows me every day the love she feels for me, as I do for her. 

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