Promise Each Other Something

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Warnings: Talks of emotional abuse and trauma, talks of triggers. Think that's it.

"That was delicious. Thank you." I put my fork down on my plate leaning back in my chair with my hands resting on my belly. "I feel like we haven't eaten that in ages. You gotta cook more food from your country because I swear this is the most mouth watering good food I have ever had."

"It has been a little while since I have cooked some Sokovian food, and I am sure my mama is cooking up a storm every night for the boys. She tells us all the time that Sokovian food is the best thing she ever brought to the USA when we moved here."

"What is the first?"

"Me and Pietro apparently but I don't know I feel like the food comes first. Me and Pietro were menace's."

"Well I can't argue with you there." I chuckle as a crumpled napkin hits my face and I look at her with a raised brow.

"That's for being rude."

"You said it, not me." I say cheekily as I throw the napkin back at her, hitting her face before landing on her plate in her lap.

"You keep up with the cheekiness, maybe I'll take your Chicken Paprikash privileges away." I gasp, holding my hand to my heart.

"You wouldn't dare?" Wanda stands up, raising a brow, as she walks over to my desk.

"Try me." She throws the napkin back at me, hitting me on the forehead and my jaw drops as she saunters off to the kitchen taking my plate with her, chuckling to herself as she does.

I smile to myself at the sound of herself, leaning back in my chair, putting my feet up on my desk. I close my eyes, my hands behind my head, as I let myself relax into the chair more. The sound of Wanda humming as she does the dishes filling my ears and my smile spreads as I think about how relaxed this all is. How domestic this feels.

My girlfriend visiting me while at work, seeing what I do, learning how it all works even if I don't always understand how business always works myself. She brings in food so we can have lunch together, then she even does the dishes. I did tell her she didn't need to do the dishes as I could always do them later but she insisted. She brought up the whole fact that she shouldn't be classed as a guest so any mess made by the two of us she is happy to clean up.

I didn't want to argue with that. She can be very convincing when she does the raised brow with the head tilt. The moment she does that I will concede any battle, even if I know I am right I will concede. I am not right. If she says two plus two equals five then does the head tilt then two plus two will equal five.

I open one of my eyes when I feel my foot being gently wiggled to see a smiling Wanda looking at me, but this smile is not happy nor is it a smile I like to see. She looks sad, nervous. Her eyes look down at her hand on my shoe instead of at me, in fact she is looking anywhere but my eyes which are now both open as I take in the nervousness that seems to be coursing through her.

I gently nudge her hand up with the toe of my shoes. Her fingers gently tap the tips of my shoes as I wait for her patiently, fighting the urge to stand up and pull her teeth from nibbling her bottom lip. I watch as her chest rises and falls with the deep breath she takes before her eyes slowly but surely meet mine. She licks her lips as I feel the nervousness radiating from her.

"Uhm..." She swallows harshly and takes in a shaky breath. "We should talk. I mean I am ready if you are."

"We can talk." Wanda nods her head as she presses her lips together.

"I mean if you're not too busy with work and all. I want to talk as soon as we can, really talk. But if you're busy today, maybe tonight?"

"I cleared my whole schedule, we can talk for as long as we need." Wanda blinks a few times, looking up to the ceiling momentarily.

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