Puppy In Training

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Mentions of abuse

(Wanda PoV)

I am frozen to the spot, my hands resting on the back of the chair Y/n was sitting on, my eyes locked to the hallway the two of them have just disappeared down, my anger is so far past anything I have felt in a long time I'm sure that the girls around me can feel it radiating off my body. My breathing is heavy as I try and not let my anger take control of me, trying my best to extend the fuse that has been burnt away so quickly today.

I jump when I feel a hand on my back, turning to see Karen with a sympathetic smile and something else but I don't question it as she mumbles out a small go. I open and close my mouth trying to say I need to stay for Y/n but Karen shakes her head, placing her hands on my biceps.

"We will make sure Y/n is looked after, Kate is with her at the moment no doubt being the friend she needs. But you cannot be this angry when she comes back, so go outside and take a moment." I bite my lip looking over my shoulder to the hallway once more, tears building in the corner of my eyes from the anger and the picture of how scared and lost Y/n looked.

"She needs me." My voice trembles a little as I suck in a harsh breath.

"She does, but she does not need you to be angry. So go get some fresh air, we will let her know that you have just gone to make sure Yelena has left or something. By the time you get back we will all be on the couches ready to watch a movie." I look back to Karen, not having noticed Sharon moving about as she now stands next to her.

"You didn't hear this from me but I think Yelena needs to hear what you have to say." It takes me a little by surprise as Sharon isn't normally one for being a part of arguments, instead watching from the side lines. "And how do you go about that? Well I'm sure an angry Russian and an angry Sokovian is enough to make even Yelena listen."

"I wish I could be two people right now." They both chuckle as I let out a sigh. "Let Y/n know I am making sure Yelena won't be back tonight and that I have gone to get some extra chocolate and popcorn for us all."

"Of course." Sharon smiles, nodding, as she takes a sip from her beer. "Could you grab more alcohol too? I think one or more of you guys is going to need it."

"We will see." I look back at Karen who has her lip trapped between her teeth with tears in her eyes and I feel my anger dissipate slightly when I see how hurt she looks. "Hey what's wrong?"

"I just, I can't help but think some of this is my fault. You know. Maybe if I had been more present as a mother while Steph was growing into her own, being her own person and wanting her independence. Maybe if I had been a bit more pushy and messaged her more, or listened more, or even when she came to me for advice at least give her the time of day. But I was too busy with work, and with making sure that Vision was happy. I left out my own daughter." Karen's bottom lip trembles as a few tears fall and I am quick to wipe them away with my thumb.

"Hey none of that. Steph is an adult, she may only be 21, 22 or however old she is, but she is an adult. She doesn't live with you, she doesn't depend on you financially. She lives in her own place, she has a job, she pays taxes and bills. You weren't any less present because you didn't see her or communicate everyday. Communication is a two way street, if she doesn't message you then that is on her. If she doesn't ask for help, or ask to see you that is on her. If she listens to someone the way she did Vision then that is her fault, not yours. You are a good mother Karen, it is Steph who has strayed from the good path you put her on."


"No, no buts. If you are putting blame on yourself for how Y/n reacted today please don't, it is not in any way your fault. Do you hear me?" I say it with some sternness but I keep the tone as soft as I can.

Just Us - Wanda Maximoff x Fem!readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat