Protective Friend

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I hold onto Nathaniel's hand, mine and his bag on my left shoulder, as we walk towards the front door where everyone one is standing. As we make it to them Nathaniel hides his body against my leg, so I place our bags on the floor and pick him up resting him on my right hip. My right arm is placed under his butt and legs to hold him in place, his arms instinctively wrap around my neck as he hides his face against my shoulder.

"Now Nathaniel there is no need to be shy. These people are friends." I bounce him up and down a couple of times to try and get him to move his head to look at them. When I see the smiles on the women's faces grow and hear Sharon and Yelena coo at his adorableness, I angle my head to look at him. He has very red cheeks, a shy smile placing his thumb in his mouth. It's a nervous habit that he has been getting better at not doing, but he does it a lot when around new people. 

"Why don't you introduce yourself to everyone." I whisper in his ear, as I gently remove his thumb from his mouth. 

He looks to the floor, which signals he wants to be put down so I follow his silent demand. I watch as he walks to Sharon first who is on the edge of the group, she bends down to match his height giving him a friendly smile. Nathaniel's hand shoots out in front of him, causing an eyebrow to raise on Sharon's face and to turn to me for reassurance so I simply nod. She takes his hand in hers and he shakes his arm a couple times, it looks all floppy because he doesn't quite understand that a handshake should be just that and not a whole ass arm movement.

"Hi there Miss. I am Nafanul." Like I said he struggles to pronounce his full name but was taught to introduce himself as such. 

"Well hi Nathaniel, I'm Sharon. It is very nice to meet you."

"You too Miss Sharon." He lets go of her hand, making his way to stand in front of Yelena while Sharon remains crouched with a caring eye on my brother.

"Well hello young man. I'm Yelena. I'm more of a hugger, could I get one?" Nathaniel nods his head excitedly. Yelena bends down to match his height, Nathaniel practically chucks himself into her arms as she falls backwards onto her ass making us let out a giggle.

"Nathaniel be careful please." 

"Sorry Miss Yelena. Thank you for the hug." He climbs off her body as he stands in front of Natasha. He shuffles his feet, slightly intimidated by her quirked eyebrow and crossed arms.

'Hello. I'm Nafanul, Y/n's little brother. It is very next to meet you." He holds at a slightly shaky hand, but visibly relaxes when Nat copies the actions of the other two women, bending down and giving him a firm handshake back.

"Hey Nathaniel. My name is Natasha. How old are you buddy?" 

"I am 4 Miss Natasha. Oh Natasha sounds like Nafanul." He shows 4 fingers to Natasha as he squeals about his discovery. 

"Nathaniel." He turns to me with a curious gaze. "Say your name again, but slowly you're still making the f sound not the th sound." I show him my tongue between my teeth so he can copy how to make the sound.


"Don't apologise, you're still learning. Just try again." I talk gently to him so he knows I am only trying to help.

"….NATHANIEL!" I smile brightly at him as he runs to me in celebration so I pick him up tickling him lightly till he tells me to stop.

"Well done my dude. Now you have 3 other people to meet." He doesn't let go of me so I keep him on my him as I walk to Wanda and the twins for introductions, the other three woman are stood closely to one another with careful eyes 

"Nathaniel this is Wanda my friend, Wanda this is Nathaniel my little brother." I gesture between them both as I speak, and I see Wanda's eyes shine at the sight of the child in my hand.

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