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I'm woken from my slumber by a small slither of sun pushing through the small gap in the blinds. I go to get up, but feel an extra weight on top of me. Oh right Wanda. Looking down I see the beautiful redhead laying practically on top of me, her head resting on my chest hair spread out in many directions. Her mouth partially open, with small and very cute snores being released with her calm breathing. Her arms wrapped around my chest securely, with her legs tangled with mine. She looks so peaceful. This is different, I don't normally wake up with my one night stand still here. Usually they get what they want and either leave during the night or at some point in the morning.

I feel her shuffle on top of me, so I hold my breath hoping the early morning sunrise hasn't woken her up. It takes a few seconds but she seems to settle back down and a small huff of air escapes her lips...good she is still sleeping. Gently, I remove her arms from my chest so I can lean over to the bedside table; grabbing the remote for the blinds, making sure to shut them and turn off the timer for when they open. I know high tech. I then use another remote to set the lights around the room to a soft ember colour to set a calm atmosphere. They are on a low as to not wake the sleeping beauty on top of me, but bright enough so when she does wake up she can see what she is doing and not in total darkness. 

Slowly, I crawl out of bed but stop and turn to look back at my bedside table where the picture sits. It's a beautiful picture. An brunette haired woman standing under a beautiful white archway covered in pink roses. Her white dress glistened in the sunlight as the picture captured it moving about in the wind. The woman is smiling the biggest toothy grin in the world while holding hands with another woman under the same archway. They both have so much love in their eyes. Picture perfect. I move back to the table and move the picture into one of the draws placing some paperwork on top of it. Must remember it's there though.

Heading straight out my door, closing it gently behind me. Heading to the bathroom further down the hallway so I can shower and brush my teeth, I do have an ensuite but I feel like being woken up by someone's morning routine in practically the same room as you can be deemed a rude awakening. I hop in the shower once I deem the water a hot enough temperature, wincing slightly when it hits my back. I turn to see why and my eyes bulge a little bit when I see the scratch marks on my back, I'm going to wear them with pride...anyway. I wash everything including my hair. Both of us were too tired last night to do proper after care in the shower or bath so a wet towel was the solution. 

Smoothing out my long hair took a while, nothing a bit of conditioner can't help with, and am now making my way to one of the guest bedrooms to get some clothes. Walking into the walk-in closet, I tie my wet hair up into a messy bun not caring what it would look like. I don't have to go to work so it doesn't matter. Deciding on a pair of loose jogging bottoms and sports bra, I make my way down to the kitchen to start some coffee and get a head start on some work that needs doing. 

"S.U.S.I.E let me know when my bedroom door opens please. Don't scare the guest by introducing yourself, just inform me." I say into the quiet kitchen.

"Of course Boss." S.U.S.I.E is my interface in this place, much like Tony Stark's F.R.I.D.A.Y system I have S.U.S.I.E.

"Play Morning Vibes Playlist from Spotify, low volume. Limited to the kitchen only." With that the sound of music gently starts playing as I shuffle over to the coffee machine I have.

Electing not to wake Wanda by the sound of grinding beans, I use my kettle (very handy thank you Europe) and place a scoop or two of the coffee grounds I have into a cafetiere. I'm a fancy coffee drinker, sue me. I dance around the kitchen a little, losing myself to the soft music as I open up my laptop, letting it wake itself up. I spin back to the kettle, pouring the water to the top of the cafetiere just in case Wanda wakes up and it's still hot. I grab a large cup from the cupboard and put some caramel syrup around the inside of it and bring it and the cafetiere over to the counter next to my laptop. I settle down on the stool and load up my emails to get to work. 

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