Sounds Like A Date

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"Knock, knock." My sister's voice travels gently across the room, as she lets herself into my room. "Sorry to wake you, but you keep getting messages from an unknown number. They ask if you're still up for meeting today...."

"Today?" I shoot up from laying down and now sat facing my sister. "Pass me my phone please." 

She comes to sit next to me passing my phone off to me, I see a few notifications on my phone but specifically read the newest text.

Unknown: Are you okay? You're not replying? Please say this is your number.
(10.43 a.m.)

"Shit." I groan as I unlock my phone to see the various messages I've received, scrolling back to the first one. 

Unknown: Hey Y/n! Just wanted to say I had an amazing time last night, and a lovely time this morning. Can't wait to see you again.
(8.30 pm)

Unknown: Oh it's Wanda by the way.
(8.31 pm)

Unknown: You made me feel so many things I haven't felt in a long time and some I've never felt before 

Unknown: the gils say hellloooo. I ddnt tell them yhat mucj jusy that I splrt wit somon. 
(10.53 pm) 
(The girls say hello. I didn't tell them that much just that I slept with someone.)

I can only assume she was drunk at this point and I giggle to myself as I continue to read drunk texts from her that get harder and harder to understand as I go on. They range from telling me how sexy I am to a ramble about some friend drama. And then one text which is literally a bunch of letters.

Unknown: iralywnttocuagin
(11.47 pm)

"What are you giggling at?" Carol peaks over my shoulder to read some of the messages. "Oh wow. Whoever it is is very drunk….she called you sexy? Oh my, is this a new girl?" 

"I don't know, we literally slept with each other Friday night, dropped her off Saturday late morning and then the panic attack happened. I can't believe I slept through the whole day and night." I rub my hands over my face as I continue reading the messages.

Unknown: Oh my god! I am so sorry about all the messages. I was completely out of it.
(9.20 am)

Unknown: are you busy today?
(9.30 am)

Unknown: is everything okay? You haven't messaged back at all?
(9.50 am)

Unknown: I'm sorry that sounded rude. Just message me back. Please.
(9.52 am)

Unknown: so Natasha has just informed me that I did indeed talk about our encounter on Friday night. Of course she is the only one who actually knows who you are. 
(9.57 am)

Unknown: did I do something? Or are you regretting everything? 
(10.13 am)

Unknown: I knew it was too good to be true
(Message deleted)
Unknown: you could have just said it was a one time thing for you instead of giving me your number.
(Message deleted)
Unknown: I'm more worried than frustrated. Are you okay?
(10.34 am)

Shit! She thinks I'm ignoring her! But what do I tell her? I can't just be like 'hey, sorry I'm not ignoring you. I just had a fucking huge ass panic attack yesterday after getting home and have only just woken up.' No that would scare her away. She doesn't need to know about that.

"Can you help me message her so she doesn't get angry for the radio silence, but also doesn't run away?" I timidly ask my sister. Instead of replying she snatches my phone, types something in and passes it back. Oh god. I look down to see what she has said.

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