Not By Blood, By Choice

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So it's currently Saturday and I am pacing around my room trying to decide what to wear to Wanda's. Now she is cooking for me so I don't need to dress formally because we are not going anywhere, but I still need to put in the effort. I have 3 outfits laid out on my bed, each a little different from the other. Outfit number one is some black high-waisted jeans, white vans and a nice long-sleeved white turtleneck. Outfit number two is some black dress pants with a scarlett dress shirt with some black Oxfords. The final outfit is some blue mom jeans, with a plain blue top, checked shirt to go loosely over the top and the white vans again. 

Wait outfit number one is out, can't wear white if I spill my food that stain is not coming out. Outfit number three is casual but I'm not really feeling it. So outfit two it is. Wow that was easy, sometimes I overthink way too much. It's ridiculous. I grab a nice black overcoat, with a fur collar to match the outfit, and pick out some rings to wear on my fingers and my metal chain around my neck. It's not really casual but it's also not a suit and tie, it's like in the middle and I am happy with that. I look at my watch, which holds so many memories, to see that it was 4 o'clock. I guess this is as good enough time as any to leave seen as Wanda was aiming for food to be ready for 7.

Dorogoy: Hi Wanda, just making sure you're still okay with me coming over early. 

Dorogoy: Also I see you changed my contact name, I like it 😉 going to have to change yours from Wanda to princess now.

Wanda: I should be offended that it isn't already that. And yes come over anytime.

~Wanda~ changed to ~Princess~

Princess: That's better. What time are you heading over?

Dorogoy: I am going to head out now so will be there about 4.30, maybe just after.

Princess: Perfect. Could you maybe bring a bottle of wine to go with the meal, I haven't had a chance to grab one after we drank my last one.

Dorogoy: Of course. Any preferences?

Princess: Whatever you think will go with the food. You have a better wine taste than me.

Dorogoy: A bottle of Chianti it is.

Princess: How much did this one cost you? 🤔😉

Dorogoy: no more than $180

Princess: Is that a lie so I don't freak out?

Dorogoy: No it's not Google it if you want.

Princess: No I trust you…Just...Anyway when are you leaving, I've missed you these couple of days.

Dorogoy: We have messaged each other everyday.

Princess: yes but I missed you, I like cuddling you, you're warm.

Dorogoy: And you are my cuddly Koala.

Princess: I am okay with that.

Dorogoy: Okay, well I'm in the car now so I will be at yours soon. Do you want anything from the shops as I am passing on my way?

Princess: Ice cream!! PLEASE!

Dorogoy: what flavor would you like?

Princess: Pumpkin please.

Dorogoy: interesting choice. See you soon princess.

Princess: What's interesting about my choice?

Dorogoy: Nothing, nothing at all just an observation.

Princess: hmmm…

Princess: See you soon, Dorogoy.

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