Head Scratches

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Me and Wanda finally managed to get out of the shower, and are making our way downstairs to head back outside. Wanda is being a lot more clingy all of a sudden, not that I'm complaining, but I just want to know what is going on in that beautiful head of hers. Before we make it to the last step Wanda pulls me in for a kiss that holds a lot more emotion than I thought it would as she doesn't let our lips move from one another until she has given mine the utmost attention. 

"You okay Wanda, you're very touchy all of a sudden not that it's an issue but I thought you didn't want the boys to know and you're just taking a few risks."

"I can't help it, you're just so sexy and beautiful and I'm afraid if I blink or let go I will miss it all." I give her hand a reassuring squeeze.

"I'm right here with you Wanda." 

"I just want us to stay in this moment. I want so many things with you Y/n, big things and I just, I just admire you so much please know that." My hands cup her face as hers hold my wrists as we look into each other's eyes.

"I admire you too Wanda. I admire the way you look at me with so much emotion it makes my heart soar out of my chest, it makes my tummy do so many somersaults it might as well be a gymnast, my breath catches in my throat everytime I see you because you are so indescribably beautiful. I admire how you seem to be able to read my thoughts, knowing what and when I need something, knowing when to push and when not to push. We are still learning so much about one another but I admire you and I want to see what is next for us." 

I don't realise she was crying until she brings a shaky hand up to her face using the back of it to wipe away tears as she lets out a shaky laugh smiling up at me as she does so.

"I didn't mean to make you cry princess.' I pout a little, not liking the fact I made her all emotional.

"These are happy tears dorogoy, so many happy tears. I promise." She leans up to capture my lips with hers only pulling away when air becomes necessary. 

"Good because I hate seeing you upset. Now let's go join the others back outside." I hold my hand in the air signalling for her to go first.

She gives me one last quick peck on the lips, before heading straight outside to join the others. I go via the kitchen grabbing myself another beer, before heading out to join the adults at the table. It's getting into the late evening now, so I decided to put on my spare clothes after mine and Wanda's shower activities instead of my bikini because the sun is starting to disappear behind the horizon.

"Look who finally showed up." Natasha announces my arrival as Sharon and Yelena give me a round of applause. I play along giving them a bow as they all laugh out a little.

"Sorry ladies, I got a little...preoccupied." I say slowly as I sit down in the only spare chair next to Wanda and Sharon.

"Oh if by preoccupied you mean, doing some rather extraneous extracurricular activities then sure." Natasha smirks at me, as I see Wanda's cheeks darken as she slouches in her chair trying to hide away from the mocking.

"Well I mean I might have to put some money towards your water bill by the end of the day, just let me know." Natasha bursts out laughing while Sharon and Yelena fake gag and Wanda hits by arm as her face burns up with embarrassment.

"Y/n stop." Wanda grumbles next to me as her face is bright red. 

"I'm sorry princess, I didn't mean to embarrass you." 

"Aww what happened to babygirl?" Natasha is getting top marks for teasing as the other two women burst out laughing now. 

"Nat!" Wanda hides her face under her hands as the women calm themselves down.

Just Us - Wanda Maximoff x Fem!readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora