Feeling of Rejection

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ugh, heyyyyyyyy. Yeah it's me. I am still here. No I didn't forget about y'all but I did very much need this long asf break from writing to be able to get back into it. I can't promise a chapter every week but I promise not to go 4/5 months of being being so MIA. Well I can try. Anyway, I hope you are all doing well, looking after yourselves. And I hope you like this chapter. 


I wake once again with a pained groan, pulling the covers over my head to protect me from the daylight now pushing its way through the curtains as much as it can. I need to invest in some black out blinds for this place because this bright headache inducing light ain't it. This time I don't freeze when I hear a groan next to me, but when I feel the covers being pulled away from me I whine as I try to pull them back to me.

"Stop stealing all the duvet. I'm cold." Nat's voice is groggy and I huff as I let her pull some of the duvet away from me.

"Hey!" I whine as she pulls the whole duvet off of me and decides to wrap herself up like a burrito leaving me to the elements of the cold room.

"Thanks." Nat mumbles into her pillow as she shuffles about getting comfortable.

"Now I'm cold."

"Fine here." Nat unrolls herself from her self made duvet burrito and lifts up the edge of it. "Either you join me under here or you stay in the cold."

I don't say anything as I shuffle under the duvet to join her, and her arm drops the duvet over my body. While I am pulling it around me properly, tucking it under me slightly so no cold can get in and no heat can escape, Nat shuffles to lay against my side, wrapping her arm around my waist and resting her head on my chest.

I hover my hand over her waist, my other arm behind my head, since I'm not quite sure if I should put it on her waist or not. Nat ends up grabbing my hand in hers and guiding it to rest on her lower back while she lifts one of her legs over mine, getting herself comfortable. I Move my other hand that was behind my head to rest on my stomach gently tapping my fingers as I look up at the ceiling trying not to think about how Nat is cuddling up to me.

"Don't think about it, just relax, friends cuddle." Nat says softly as her arm wraps back around my waist and I feel her let out a deep breath as her body sinks against mine.

I smile to myself as I let myself relax into the embrace, allowing her hand to slot under mine on my stomach, continuing to look at the ceiling at just enjoying being held. Touch is one of my main love languages but I never truly know how to go about initiating it and always feel like I am just being annoying when I do. So even though I am very much touch starved and crave the feeling of arms wrapped around me or someone just cuddling into me I would rather feel the distance then have the chance of them completely rejecting my affection and making me feel worse.

Hence why I normally wait for people to initiate the contact so at least I know they are comfortable with it. Maybe it's because my blood parents weren't the most affectionate people ... like at all ... or I have been called clingy by both my ex's and that it was annoying how much I wanted to be close to them when I was tired, or upset, or just wanted to be held or do the holding. So for Nat to cuddle like this and act as if it is completely normal it's new to me, but it's definitely a nice new normal for me.

"What's got you thinking so hard? I can hear the cogs turning." I hum, softly starting to trace small circles on Nat's back with my finger.

"Just life."

"That's a big thing to be thinking about this early in the morning, especially with hangovers." I chuckle, turning my head to look at Nat.

"I do all my best thinking early in the morning." That gets a chuckle from Nat who looks up at me, moving her hand to rest on my chest and resting her chin on top of that.

Just Us - Wanda Maximoff x Fem!readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon