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"I love you nugget. I will see you later, yeah?" Morgan nods frantically with a wide smile on her face.

"Yes please sissy! We still need to do film night!" She hugs me tightly and I give her a small squeeze before planting a kiss on her forehead.

"We do indeed. Right, go with Papa T and I will see you soon."

"I love you 3000 Y/n." I feel the tears sting my eyes at her words.

"I love you to nugget." She climbs off the bed, grabbing Tony and Pepper's hand walking in the middle of the two of them as she drags them out of the hospital room. I then turn to look at Carol.

"Are you going to be okay?" I hate making her worry, but that will never stop because she is my sister.

"Go be with your wife and child, before they think you've ditched them for me." Carol huffs out a laugh. "Oh and say hi to that stupid cat of yours."

"It's not stupid Y/n, it just doesn't like you." I hold a hand to my heart.

"Oof. What's not to like about me?" Carol raises a playful eyebrow towards me, so I grab the pillow from behind me and Wanda and chuck it at her, making the other two women who haven't left my side laugh out.


"You love me."

"I guess." Before I can grab something to throw at her she rushes out of the door and looks through the pane of glass where she receives a middle finger from me, and she gives one right back in return. When she disappears my phone goes off.

Carol: Love you bitch.

Me: Yeah, Yeah. I love you too.

I lock my phone and place it on the bedside table, the room is engulfed in the most silence it has been in a few hours. After the questioning by Christina, we continued to talk about the legal proceedings and how my case is the cherry on the top in getting rid of ultron. I should probably explain a few things so you are all caught up too.

So I bet you are wondering what does Carl have to do with this? Well Carl is the son of Baron Zemo, yes that Zemo. Zemo and his wife could have been the next leaders of Sokovia and they would have been the best there was, they would have been able to create something good out of their ruling. Anyway, Ultron managed to scare them off by doubling his troops and creating fake propaganda. He was also able to get a hit on his son, Carl, the same boy I saved. He hired someone to kill the kid. Fortunately, I was there when this went down and was able to use my basic skills that Dr Cho had taught me to keep him alive until we could get him safely to hospital.

When Zemo and his wife came to see him, they were still in hiding and I promised them I would make sure he was okay. I never break a promise. So that's why he stays with the woman at the coven café, hiding him in plain sight. I paid off all his medical bills so nothing could be traced to Zemo. Shield have been after Ultron since he came to power but they never had enough evidence behind them to put him away, he did a good job at hiding the fact he put a hit on a child. Even though everyone knows it was him. It seems that he did something wrong when covering his tracks up with the murder of my wife and child so now Shield has the authority from the UN to put him behind bars for good. This also means that Zemo will finally be able to make something good out of Sokovia. Let's just hope he can lead a country better than he can dance.

So yeah I kind of have a crazy back story, doesn't everyone in these types of stories? Doesn't it give me some humanity and something you guys can hold onto and I don't know, come up with theories?

"Baby?" Wanda's voice pulls me out of my world and I hum in acknowledgement to her voice. "Where did you go? I've been trying to gain your attention the past few minutes."

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