Iron Man

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"Dinners ready dorogoy." I hear Wanda's voice dance around the room as she calls me from the kitchen. 

I shoot up from the couch, bouncing excitedly into the kitchen to see Wanda plating up the paprikash. I walk in brushing my hand against her back as I walk past to get the the cupboards where she keeps her wine glasses, I feel Wanda lean up to me and leave a peck on my cheek. I pull the glasses out of the cupboard, placing them gently on the side as I get the bottle opener for the wine. I pour a little bit of wine into a glass, passing it to Wanda her eyebrows scrunch as she looks at the glass then up to me.

"Give it a try. Make sure you like it before I just pour you a glass." Wanda gently lifts the glass to her lips taking a sip of the wine, licking her lips as some dribbles down.

"Wow, that's really nice." She takes another sip finishing off the taster, so I pour both of us a glass. I grab the cutlery from the draws and both wine glasses making my way to the table with Wanda following close behind me with both plates of food. I place down the glasses, and set up the cutlery and Wanda gently puts the plates down in their place. I move the chair out for Wanda to sit down, moving it in once she is comfortable and taking my seat opposite of hers so we can see each other. 

Wanda doesn't take a bite of hers but looks up at me with hopeful eyes, before they flick to my plate and back to me. Oh so she wants me to try it before she eats it. I smile as I cut up some chicken, swirling it in the sauce before bringing it to my mouth and slowly biting down on it. I place my knife and fork at the edge of my plate as I chew the food, a pleased moan leaving my lips, and I catch Wanda blushing a bit.

"You were right. It's so much better fresh and I thought you killed it last time, but this. Holy shit this is amazing! You should be a chef." I grab my knife and fork once again, cutting some chicken and taking a bite. I look up to Wanda who has a shy smile on her face. "Were you afraid I wouldn't like it?" 

Wanda shrugs her shoulders as she takes her first bite of her food, a hum leaving her throat as she swallows, looking back up to me. "Not everyone likes Paprikash, and even though you already said you like it I still wanted to make sure."

"Wanda I don't like it. I love it." 

We continue to eat in a comfortable silence. Every now and again I look up catching Wanda already looking at me and she always blushes and looks back down at her plate. Sometimes it's the other way around and she catches me staring but instead of blushing I send Wanda a wink which makes her blush. I am so winning right now. It is so easy to fluster her and she is all cute when flustered. Even though I started my food first, Wanda manages to finish before me. Probably because I am taking my time and savouring every last bit of it, because it is just that good. I can feel Wanda's eyes on me as I continue to eat in silence, so I look up to meet her gaze. This time she doesn't look away and we both smile at one another, I feel like there is a silent conversation going on. 

I shuffle my chair backwards slightly, Wanda tilts her head in confusion until I pat my lap. She gets up from her chair walking around to my side before placing herself on my lap sideways, so her legs hang off the side of the chair and the left side of her body is against my chest as she rests her head against it. I wrap my right arm around her back, my left staying in front as I shuffle the chair slightly closer to the table so I continue eating. Before I can even take another bite Wanda steals my fork from me stabbing a bit of chicken that's already cut up, bringing up to my mouth as her other hand is under the fork to catch any sauce that might fall. I open my mouth, clamping it shut around the fork so she can slide it out gently and the chicken falls off the fork. A huge smile makes its way onto my face as I chew the chicken seeing Wanda cut up another piece getting it ready on the fork for me. Looks like she is going to be feeding me the rest, which I have no issue with at all.

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