Stephanie Grace Turner

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⚠️ mentions of abuse ⚠️

"Stephanie, or Steph for short."

I feel my blood turn to ice, my mind empty from all other thoughts apart from needing to get away from her, my mouth dry and any and all words come out as small croaks. This time when she takes a step forward I can't move, my body won't allow me to move. I hardly even notice Wanda put herself between me and her, a protective arm around me as she shields me from view. I may be tall but at this very moment I feel so small, I feel all the memories of being with her flooding back. My body automatically curls in on itself slightly, I can't do or say anything but when I feel Wanda’s hand squeeze my waist it gives me enough comfort to be able to look up at everyone. Wanda’s face is scrunched in anger, her other arm stretched out in front or her pointing harshly at Steph as she tries to step forward again.

"Don't you even think about it." Wanda's voice is laced with anger, her accent slipping out towards the end. Oh she is angry, angry. 

"What? You're not even going to let me say hello to her?" Stephs voice is snide, but my mind reels at how calm she sounds. She always sounded calm when her words were the opposite.

"You are going to get nowhere near her, and if you try you will have me to deal with." Wanda pushes me behind her more as Steph takes another step forward, before anything else can happen the waiter makes his way over to us.

"I'm sorry ladies, but unless you guys stop and sit down I am going to have to ask you to leave. You are disturbing our other customers, and I don't believe this is something you want to go down in public." His words hit me like a train, and I look around to see everyone in the restaurant staring at us. It knocks enough sense into me to speak to him.

"It's fine. I'm leaving." I don't say another word as I turn to walk off, Wanda's hold on my body dropping as I completely ignore everyone and everything making my way to the door. 

I don't look back, making my way through the maze of tables and chairs keeping my head down to avoid seeing people's stares on me. I can feel everyone's eyes on me, it's like a thousand needles pricking at my skin and it makes me want to vomit. I push the door to the restaurant open, not caring for anyone on the sidewalk as I barge past people. I look around and notice a small park across the road, so without thinking I run straight across ignoring the blaring horns of the cars I've just run in front. As soon as I make it to the small play park, I'm bent double spewing my guts up into one of the bushes that decorates the park. My hands on my knees, to support myself as my body jolts each time a new round of gagging and spewing takes place. I jump a bit at the hand that places itself on my back, rubbing gentle circles helping me through it.

"It's okay. I'm here baby, I got you. That's it, get it all out." 

I finally stop throwing up, but as I go to stand I fall down to the ground onto my ass, my body no longer able to hold up its own weight as the events of tonight finally fully hit me. My hands grasp at my shirt trying to pry it away from my neck as I struggle to get air into my body, seeing my struggles Wanda is immediately on her knees opening up the top few buttons. My hands hold onto the now open part of my top, pulling it further apart and away from my skin. I feel Wanda hand go back to rubbing circles on my back as the other one pulls my head close to her chest, my ear sitting right on top of her quickly beating heart. 

"Who the fuck do you think you are talking to my daughter like that?!" I almost feel like throwing up again as Karen's angered voice hits my ears. Wanda angles her body slightly, raising her arm to stop Karen.

"Just stop. The both of you just leave her alone for fuck sake." Wanda's voice is more pleading than anything, but she also said both which means that Steph is here too. Fuck.

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