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I tap my fingers on the steering wheel in time with the quiet music playing from my car stereo, my eyes looking out the windscreen to the house in front of me. I take a deep breath in, closing my eyes, and lean my head against the not so soft steering wheel as I try to calm my nerves.

For those wondering why I am nervous, well it's been a week since me and Wanda have seen each other. We have been messaging and video calling most days but we have stuck to our promises to each other and the agreement we made about not seeing each other every day. So it's now the Friday after we spoke, and next Friday is Christmas but that is something else to figure out later.

Anyway, we spoke this week about doing things the right way and I mentioned I wanted a redo on meeting her parents. Wanda then told me she was going to spend the weekend with them before taking the boys home as she misses them too much to have them stay with her parents any longer. She said there was no pressure to agree but she did invite me over for dinner tonight. Yet I thought it was a good idea.

We said we wanted to start again, in some terms of the words, and I think it is best I meet her parents in a more neutral environment instead of when surrounded by lots of family and friends on a day that is known to end in arguments.

So when Wanda said her parents have invited me to dinner, with no offence if I were to say no, well I couldn't say no because I know it is something I wanted to do and the opportunity arose and I was not going to miss it.

But I am also meeting Wanda's parents, for real this time, so I am nervous. Who doesn't get nervous when they are meeting their partners? I say if you're not nervous to impress your partner's family and friends then how big is your ego? Too big. But not the point.

The point is I am currently sitting in my car in their driveway, counting the seconds as they pass with each nervous breath. A small tap on my window brings me back to the real world with a start and I see the cheeky smile that could be mistaken for Wanda's if it wasn't for the fact it isn't Wanda standing outside my car. They really are twins.

"Well look at you all up and walking around." I say as I open the car door to the smiling man. "Albeit with the help of those crutches, which by the way I would wrap some foam or something around the handles, or put some support tape around your wrists and palms because the blisters you get from them ain't it. Furthermore, how did you end up on crutches, you've only just got out of hospital."

"That's the way you choose to greet your crippled future brother in law. You got humour kid. I like you. And I may or may not have tried to take a bath by myself when I got back here and slipped and landed funky on my foot. So you know I kind of, most definitely, broke my ankle." I smiles widely as he leans down the best he can with his crutches to look in the car. "Sweet car also. You and Wanda really do have that sugar momma and sugar baby relationship huh?"

"Well that was dumb. Speaking of money, how did explaining to the boys what a sugar momma is?" He chuckles as his eyes continue to scan the car's interior. "If you want to sit inside it all you gotta do is ask."

"Nah I'm good, I might ruin the value of it the moment I even touch it let alone get in it. I mean old mustangs don't go for cheap nowadays. And now the boys know that a sugar momma is someone who is someone who likes to spend money on their friends and family because they love them so much and like to help them out."

"Well maybe when your PT says you can get behind the wheel again we can take this baby out for a spin." I tap the steering wheel a few times as the smile on Pietro's grows tenfold.

"Yeah that would be fucking awesome." His voice cracks in excitement and he clears his throat quickly." I mean, yeah, yeah, I would be up for that."

"Sure." I purposely crack my voice as I climb out of the car and lean into the back to pull a few bags from the back seat, before standing up straight and using my hip to close the door. "Also nice work on the sugar momma thing. I really didn't think you were going to get out of that one so easily."

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