Mr Blue Sky

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So it's now Friday and I am currently getting dressed to go to this family and friends cookout thing where I am going to meet the twins Tommy and Billy, I'm quite excited to meet them to be honest and I hope they like me because if they don't I don't know what I am going to do. So, anyway, here I am standing in my room in front of my full body mirror critiquing my own outfit even though it consists of black chino shorts, a nice salmon polo shirt and some white vans.

Wanda informed me that Natasha and Yelena are hosting, Yelena is currently living at Natasha's while she looks for a job. This means there will be a pool, and Wanda said to bring my swimwear so I have it packed in my bag alongside a towel and some spare clothes just in case. I also have some water guns packed in my car, but made sure to ask Wanda's permission to bring them so I could play with the boy's if they wanted. 

A smile grows on my face just at the thought of Wanda with her children. After Sunday morning's emotional talk and discussion we decided to just stay in bed, only leaving for food and when we needed to pee and I only left after Vision texted Wanda that he was on his way with the boys. We wanted to spend every last second possible with one another, relaxing in the little bubble of us that we created that day. 

Also Wanda came to my work place everyday with lunch after I said I was putting her first, though she should have never been second in the first place, and I greatly appreciated the gesture. One day she brought in picnic style food, sandwiches, fruits and even a slice of cake for us both. Oh and she even brought Mantis something everyday, saying something along the lines of 'I was an assistant once I know that your breaks are when you go to pee'. However, Mantis assured her that she gets plenty of breaks throughout the day and a long enough lunch break to fully relax, she also mentioned I'm the best boss she has had. I mean not to toot my own horn but...TOOT TOOT.

I also think Wanda enjoyed bringing me lunch every day as it meant she got to cook something different each morning or the night before, as she would sometimes bring leftovers from when her and the boys couldn't eat it all. I don't know how to describe it but each day Wanda seemed to be glowing more than the last, she has this aura around her that just seems to get brighter and brighter with each passing moment I see her. She talks more and more about her life at work, home with the boys and even some highschool stories. 

I share some parts of my life with her too including how my maiden name is Danvers, but when I got adopted by Clint it changed to Barton. I also told her about the not so cool scar I have on my left eyebrow from where I tried skateboarding once, but instead of moving with the board the board went one way and I went the other hitting my head on the floor. Wanda also started opening up more about her brother and what he was like when they were younger and how he used to steal food back in Sokovia to give it to someone who was on the streets. A silver-haired Robin Hood, the people used to call him, apparently he was quick on his feet and couldn't be caught. 

"He would have been in the Olympics one day." Wanda had said to me when she looked back at the memories of her time in Sokovia. 

I talked about how my sister is in the airforce, which is where she met her wife and how they have a stupid and very evil ginger cat. I swear that thing is out to get me. Also a beautiful daughter, who I adore with every fibre of my being. Monica is the same age as the twins, which I mentioned in passing to Wanda and she had suggested that when everything was settled and I was officially introduced to the boys we should have a family dinner. 

I'm snapped out of my reminiscing by the ding of my phone seeing a text from Wanda pop through with Natasha's address attached and lots of kisses. She is so cute. 

Dorogoy: I'm just heading to the car now, I will see you soon princess.

Princess: See you soon baby!!

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