Grown-up Conversation

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(Wanda PoV)

This past week has dragged, it has literally only just turned Saturday and I feel like we should be many days ahead, that's how badly it has dragged. I'm not going to lie, I think it's maybe because Y/n hasn't been able to come home all week...huh home. I like the sound of that. By home I mean my apartment. We stayed at her house on Sunday night, it was really relaxing and all we did was watch movies and order pizza. 

My heart couldn't hold in my happiness at the sight and feeling of all 4 of us on the same couch, snuggled under a blanket just enjoying each other's company. It was so refreshing. I know that we seem to have relaxing nights all the time, or just being lazy with one another but I could get bored of it. Not when it's with Y/n. I don't think I've realised until recently how much me and Vision didn't do this sort of thing. 

Once the boys turned about 8 he would leave early for work, leaving before me or the boys were up; and come home late after the boys had gone to bed. After 6 months of staying up waiting for him I gave up on the waiting and just went to bed by myself. The only time we ever got to spend with him was at the weekend, and even that seemed like a chore. He would just stay in bed all day, not that I mind having a lazy day myself, but it was all day across the whole weekend. We never saw him. 

And now.

Well now I want to spend every waking moment in Y/n's arms and it's something that I get without even having to ask. I just give her my pouty face and she drops everything and comes and cuddles, it's amazing. I don't know why I act like a big child, you know the grabby hands and pouty face, I've never done it before. But Y/n finds it cute, and I get cuddles out of it so it's a win win really. 

However, I haven't seen her since Monday morning when she left for work. I mean we facetimed, texted or called each other at least once a day but she has been really busy at work.

Do you remember Makkari? The deaf woman. Of course you do, you're reading my inner thoughts meaning you're all caught up.

Well it turns out that she works with Ajak, and some other people, which Y/n wasn't aware of. She isn't one to pry into people's business so never actually learned what Ajak did for a job. Anyway, Y/n, Makkari and Ajak have been working together all of this week to put some deals in place. Something about Y/n providing medical equipment and other things to the Eternals -which is the company Ajak and Makkari are with - and sending it to countries that haven't had any help. I don't know the ins and outs but it sounds big and logistical and Y/n has been staying at the office night and day, to do her very best to get it sorted before we go next week.

Oh that's another thing!

I told Vision the plan to take the boys away and when he tried to fight against it I reminded him that I don't have to ask his permission to do anything but only inform him of my plans. So he knows that me, Y/n and the twins will be travelling up to Canada next week on the 24th and coming back on the 30th so we can do Halloween here. He didn't put up much of an argument saying he would never win anyway, and he was right...for once.

Right enough about that now back to our scheduled programme.

So we are back in my apartment, just me and the boys, Y/n should be here in an hour or so as she is just polishing a few things up at work. Prepping for her week of absence. We have just got back from having lunch at Second Asgard, I thought it would be a nice treat to have lunch out and spend some time in the small park down the block. It's not often I get to spend time alone with the boys because they normally have friends from school around or they go out with their friends. Now I love that they have friends and aren't stuck inside all day but they seem to be growing up too fast, and I just wanted a mom and sons day. 

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