I Called Her Mom

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(Wanda PoV)

I slowly brought out of my slumber by the feeling of soft kisses being placed around my face, I smile tugging at my lips as I feel a hand gently brush through my hair. A soft breath next to my ear.

"Time to wake up my love." I hum, my smile growing at the pet name as a soft kiss is left against the shell of my ear. "I know you're awake, so no more kisses until you open your eyes."

"That's just rude." I whisper, my voice raspy from sleep, not sure if there is still a sleeping Morgan next to me or not. "What happens if I don't open my eyes?"

"Then I guess I'm just gonna have to wake you up some other way." I raise my brows in interest, keeping my eyes shut, biting the corner of my lip.

"Yeah? And what do you have in mind?" I keep my voice steady as I feel her hand travel from its place in my hair, down my neck and between the valley of my breasts continuing down to my stomach where it comes to a stop.

"Well I can think of one thing." I do my hardest to keep my eyes closed not wanting to show how much her words are affecting me as her hand travels to my left hip squeezing it gently.

"Show me." I barely whisper, forgetting that we might not be alone as I feel her hand graze back up my side to just below my ribs.

"Wakey, wake princess." My eyes shoot open as she starts tickling my side, my body instantly squirming to get away, but she throws a leg over my body so she is straddling my legs; both her hands now attacking my sides.

I let out a laugh, gasping for air at the same time the result is the weirdest type of strangled snort and it makes Y/n burst out laughing as she continues to dig her fingers into my side. I can't help the smile that grows on my face, watching her laugh down at me as my body continues to squirm and wiggle trying to put some distance between us.

I attempt to push her off me by pushing my feet into the mattress and lifting my legs, but she quickly wraps her legs under mine, pinning them back down to the bed with a devilish smirk. Her hands move up to my armpits and my eyes squeeze shut as the tickling continues, I can feel tears starting to fall from my eyes from how much I've been laughing.

My arms flail about trying to push her arms off of me, grabbing at her wrists to try and pull her hands away but in one swift movement my arms are pinned above my hand. My wrists are held, gently, in one of her hands. I open my eyes looking down, as I feel her walk two fingers along my shoulder to my neck; shaking my head with a scared smile as lightly grips my jaw.

"You give up baby girl?" I momentarily freeze at the name, feeling my cheeks heat up as she teasingly smirks down at me. Two can play at this game.

"Well I'm Sokovian so I can handle whatever punishment you deem necessary." Y/n's eyes go wide causing me to smirk at the thought of me winning this, whatever this is, but it quickly drops when I see that devilish grin appear on her face.

"Oh, children!" My head quickly turns to look at the bedroom door that swings open, and my eyes go wide as I watch Morgan and the twins run and jump on the bed before they all start tickling me.

Morgan is tickling my armpits, as Tommy tickles my sides and Billy is tickling my feet. I let out something between a squeal and a laugh as I wiggle about beneath Y/n, who is still sitting on my legs keeping me mostly still, as she leans down; the devilish smirk never once leaving her face. I close my eyes, the tears now rolling down my cheeks, Y/n lets go of my arms and I am quick to move them to try and shove her off of me. Alas, my attempts are diminished when she leans down and blows a raspberry against my neck.

"I ca-ca-can't breeeeathe." My hands land on Y/n's shoulders, finally being able to shove her off to my side as she laughs uncontrollably and the children seem to give up their fight at the same time. "Hmph." The air is pushed out of my lungs as both Morgan and Tommy fall on top of me so they are laying across my stomach, and chest, and Billy moves so he is laying across Tommy and Morgan (his hands on the bed keeping his weight off of her as much as possible) a cheeky smile shines down at me.

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