You Don't Get It

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"Are we nearly there yet?" I playfully stare at Tommy through the rear view mirror as he asks the question for a thousandth time.

"I would say no, but that would be a lie. We are 5 minutes away, just got to get to the parking lot." Tommy's face lights up with the information and he presses his face against the window, his eyes following the buildings as they pass him by. 

"I think someone is excited." I look over at Wanda in the passenger seat as she watches Tommy's excitement increasing the closer we get.

"I'm really excited we haven't been to the aquarium for like years. I think the last time we went was when you took us for our birthday mom."

"You mean your tenth birthday?" Tommy hums out a yes. "No wonder you're excited. There should be plenty of new exhibits for us to look at, they've added quite a bit in the past 4 years." 

"I have good news." Tommy peels his face off the window to look at me through the mirror, excitement dancing in his eyes. "We are here."

He presses his face against the window again as we drive into the carpark, his eyes lighting up when he sees one of the main buildings. I hear Billy wince in pain slightly when Tommy excitedly hits his leg pointing out of the window, but the pain is soon forgotten when he sees the aquarium ahead. 

It doesn't take long to find a car parking space, so I climb out the car and open the trunk door grabbing out my backpack. As I close the door, Wanda wraps her arm around my waist from behind leaving kisses on my clothed shoulder blade while the boys quite literally jump out the car, buzzing with excitement. 

"Ready to go guys?" I ask as I lock the car and put the keys in my bag, pulling Wanda to my right side holding her hand so my backpack can hang off my left shoulder. 

The boys don't answer but Tommy grabs one of Wanda's hands and Billy grabs one of mine and they start dragging us towards the main entrance. They don't stop dragging us, me and Wanda giggle the whole time, until we get into the queue. Wanda lifts my right arm up, pressing her side against me and drops my arm so it rests lazily on her shoulders. I turn my head to peck her forehead and she rests her head on my side, her right arm moving to hold onto my coat as her other one snakes around the back of my waist. 

I turn to see the boys bouncing on their feet and it makes me smile how excited they actually are, they always seem to surprise me. They may be 14 years old, stereotypically they are grumpy and don't leave the house, but Wanda has done an amazing job and they seem to have so many interests. 

I realise Billy hasn't let go of my hand when he pulls on it when he moves forward with the queue, and it makes me smile happily deciding not to question his decision. Maybe he doesn't realise he is still holding my hand. I feel Wanda squeeze my side, I peak down at her seeing her eyes dart between me and Billy. Giving a small shrug Wanda's face paints a picture of pure happiness at the sight as she tends on her tiptoes to kiss the underside of my jaw. 

The queue moves again and the lady at the desk gives us a toothy smile as she looks between the four of us. 

"Hi, can I see your tickets please?" I have to let go of Billy's hand, unfortunately, so I can slide my backpack off my shoulder to grab the printed tickets out. 

The lady types some things into her computer, I catch her eyes darting between all of us every now and again a small smile remains on her face. I settle my backpack back on my shoulder as she confirms everything looks good and Billy's hand instantly grabs back onto mine.

"Would you guys like a guide book? It comes with a map and other information and the times for the shows and feeding." 

"Yes please, can we have two?" Wanda asks as she moves behind me to grab her purse out of my bag. 

Just Us - Wanda Maximoff x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now