Ruby-Throated Hummingbird

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Me: I made it home safe

Princess: Okay, I love you baby

Me: I love you too

Me: Princess

Princess: Yeah?

Me: I'm sorry for leaving like that 😞 

Princess: It's okay, you need some breathing space and time. I want you to be okay, take care of your mind before we talk. You need to be in the right headspace otherwise it's not going to help you, and it's unfair on you if I do something you're not comfortable with. Take all the time you need, I will wait until you're ready.

Princess: I will see you tomorrow x

Me: Goodnight x

Princess: Goodnight baby x

I lock my phone, putting it face down on the table in front of me as I let the evening wind dance around me. My right hand holding a glass of scotch, swirling it around, my other hand moves to my mouth and I start biting my nails. The calming sounds of the late evening that surround the city, allow me to take a moment to cumulate my thoughts. 

I've always loved sitting on the terrace, watching the evening sun descend behind the buildings, evading the rising moon. The red, yellow and orange light hues shimmer across the glass of the many skyscrapers that surround each other. The warmth from the sun leaves my body, as I am cast into the shadow of the neighbouring building. I pull my coat closer around me, bringing my scotch to my lips and drinking it in one. I sigh as the burn from the drink warms my throat as I swallow, and I don't wait to pour another one: still having enough self control to tell myself no more after this. I've already had 3. 

I turn my phone over when I hear it go off, not knowing what to think when I seeing a voice message from Wanda. I don't know what to do with it, I know I should listen to it but when I feel the buzzing in my head from the alcohol I decide it's something I need to do sober. I turn my phone on silently leaving it on the table as I stand from my seat and make my way to the edge of the terrace. I place my now empty glass on the floor next to my feet, crossing my arms over one another as I rest them on the edge of the terrace railing. 

I lean down slightly, my chin coming to a rest on the top of my arms as I close my eyes taking in the sounds of the city. I hear a noise I don't quite recognise as a car or the city nightlife, it's more of a buzzing...or humming. I open my eyes, looking in the direction of the noise and when I spot the culprit I feel the tears well in my eyes. 

For what I see is a Ruby-Throated Hummingbird, and it's doing its best to feed from the flowers that are still holding onto life as the cold autumn weather takes over. I watch in awe as it hovers from one flower to the next, like it's eating its last meal. My eyes never leave it for a second as it comes to rest gently on the railing a few meters away from me.

I don't move, afraid to scare it away knowing how quickly they can move. I take this moment and try to engrain it in my brain. I never want to forget this moment. It starts to move, thinking it is ready to fly away and continue on with its life. A sad smile makes its way onto my face.

Yet it doesn't fly away, it turns to look at me, its head twitching to the left as if it is trying to decipher whether I am a threat or not. I twitch my head to the right and it jumps back, causing me to hold in a laugh. It's wings flutter on its back as it twitches its head the other way, before turning back to look at the city skyline. After a few moments of peaceful serenity it jumps off the railing and flys away into the dark of the night. 

"I miss you so much it hurts." I whisper into the emptiness around me.

The Ruby-throated Hummingbird was Sarah's favourite.

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