Chapter 31 ~ The seventh month

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Gaius looked at his little goddess in horror. In the past hours, he had played through all possible scenarios of their reunion again and again in his mind, but in none of them was she wearing these things. Yet she was even more beautiful, radiant and breath-taking than he had remembered. This barbaric garment accentuated her long legs, which together with her dishevelled hair, flushed cheeks and sparkling eyes fired his imagination. Vespasian's court faded and he saw only her. Slowly he rose from his wooden chair and approached her. Like two magnets, they moved towards each other, first slowly, then faster and faster, until they finally met. In order not to lose his grip, he instinctively grasped her waist. She was real. Confused, she blinked up at him. Uncertainly, she placed her small hand on his cheek. The warmth of her touch flowed from his cheek straight into his heart, breaking away all chains and driving away the cold.
"You are here," she whispered, standing on tiptoe and hugging him tightly. His dead heart began to beat again.
"I just couldn't wait any longer," Gaius murmured earnestly in her ear. Instinctively, he pulled her closer and buried his face in her silky hair. Happily, he closed his eyes as he finally breathed deeply again her familiar scent mixed with a fresh sea breeze. This was exactly how she had smelled exactly one year ago when she had first met him. For the longest time, he finally no longer felt alone. He was home. All too quickly, she broke away from him and took a step back. While Vespasian welcomed him to his estate, Gaius did not take his eyes off her for a second. He simply could not get enough of the sight of her. As the conversation went on, she became more and more absent, until that thoughtful expression appeared on her face that she only wore when her mind was racing. Suddenly she put her hand gently on Vespasian's forearm. Why was she touching Vespasian and not Gaius? With difficulty he swallowed his jealousy. Vespasian immediately turned his attention to her questioningly.
"I believe I am not dressed appropriately for the presence of our distinguished guests," she explained quietly, giving each of the three men an apologetic smile. Then she half bowed to Gaius, an unusual but very elegant and feminine version of the bow, and, hurried into the house.
"Put on something pretty," Vespasian called after her mockingly. Without turning around, Aurelia laughed softly, then she had disappeared into the house and her voice was swallowed by the walls. Suddenly the courtyard lost its glow and despite the autumn sun, Gaius got goosebumps.
"How long would you like to stay, Gaius?", Vespasian asked him, trying for a particularly polite tone. Truthfully, he replied that he had not yet decided on the time of his departure. His friend nodded, then called for his steward and instructed him to prepare rooms for the guests.

As the sun cast longer and longer shadows, Gaius had been able to take a soothing bath and change his clothes. Thoughtfully, he looked at himself in the mirror. He wondered if she was still unsure? Had he given her enough time? Did she still love him?
A soft knock against his door brought him back to the present. There was only one way to find out if she was ready. A slight smile appeared on his face. Confidently, he left his room and nodded curtly to Clemens. Leisurely they strolled through the corridors. Suddenly he heard excited murmuring from a side corridor. At first, he wanted to ignore it, but then he thought he recognised Aurelia's voice. Abruptly he stopped. Clemens turned to him questioningly.
"I forgot something in my room," Gaius explained quietly. Clemens stared at him, waiting. Silently, Gaius signalled him to go ahead without him. His praetorian saluted and disappeared around the next corner. Silently he approached the voices.
"Why are you asking me all these questions if you don't want to hear their answers?" a male voice hissed softly. Was that Vespasian? Curious, Gaius leaned against the wall.
"Why do I have to answer every question you ask when you have no intention of giving me any answers to mine?" asked Aurelia, upset. Vespasian's answer Gaius did not understand, he only heard the soothing sound of his warm voice. Silence reigned for a while and while Gaius was still thinking about how he could leave unnoticed, Aurelia's voice sounded again.
"Then answer me one question," she said quietly. In the short, expectant silence, Gaius imagined his friend weighing all the possibilities and finally nodding. Without any emotion, Aurelia demanded to know how long they had been here.
"Seven months - but why...", Vespasian's question was left hanging in the air as Aurelia was already interrupting him by asking if he was really sure.
"Aurelia, it's almost October and we left Rome in the middle of March. Of course, I am sure. Now, can we please finally join our guests. It's getting rude," he replied calmly. Thoughtfully, Gaius retreated into the shadows. A moment later, Vespasian and Aurelia strolled past him, involved in a trivial conversation, without taking any notice of him. He followed them at a safe distance. They would lead him to the trinclinium. If he hadn't overheard them just now, it would never have occurred to him that there was anything other than family harmony between them. It was a pity that he hadn't heard their little quarrel in its entirety. So he could only ponder its cause.
The two stopped in front of a door and looked at each other silently. With a placating smile, Vespasian offered Aurelia his arm. She hesitated for a moment, then hooked herself to him, assuming a more upright posture. Vespasian signalled to a slave at the door and the door was opened. Smiling, they entered the room.
"Where is Gaius?" asked Aurelia, letting go of Vespasian's arm in surprise. At last, he brought himself to step out of the shadows.
"Here, beautiful," he replied casually, winking conspiratorially at Vespasian. Then Gaius stepped up beside Aurelia and raised the back of her hand to his lips. A ravishingly delicate blush appeared on her cheeks. By Jove, how he had missed this woman. Embarrassed, she lowered her eyes. A little longer than necessary, he kept her hand on his mouth, then cheerfully inquired of her cousin whether there was a seating arrangement. Vespasian laughed softly.
"Just lie down where you like, my friend!" the host replied, pointing invitingly to the four couches set up. Clemens had already made himself comfortable on one of the loungers at the edge.
"Shall we?", Gaius asked Aurelia conspiratorially and she blinked irritably. Smiling, he put her hand on his forearm and led her to one of the central couches. Obediently, she took a seat on her couch while Gaius dropped down on the third sofa between Clemens and Aurelia. Without any resentment, Vespasian moved to the last free couch.
The meal was simple but delicious. Gaius was particularly taken with the grape juice. In a boisterous atmosphere, the men chatted about current politics in Rome, while Aurelia ran her finger over the rim of her goblet, lost in thought. I wonder if she suspected why he was here.
After a while, Aurelia asked Vespasian if she could go out for some fresh air. The latter anxiously asked his cousin if he should accompany her. Aurelia quickly shook her head and rose. This was his chance. He quickly stood up as well.
"I could use some fresh air right now," he explained seriously. Vespasian and Aurelia exchanged a look that Gaius could not interpret. With a curt nod, she simply turned and left the room. Gaius smiled quickly at his friends, then followed her.
By the time he stepped out onto the terrace, he had lost sight of her. Frustrated, he ran a hand through his hair.
"Why are you here, Gaius?" her voice rang out wearily and he winced violently in shock. Closing her eyes, she leaned on the other side of the pillar. Her light dress and hair shimmered silvery in the soft light of the full moon. Emphasising his composure, he strolled around the column and leaned against the nearest of the cute pergola. Thoughtfully he contemplated her. How could a mortal be so indescribably beautiful? Quietly he replied that, like her, he just wanted to get some fresh air. Her lips twisted into a wry smile.
"You know exactly what I mean," she replied mockingly, and her face became serious again.
"I'm here because I needed to see you," he whispered and the fine hairs on her arm stood up. Jerking her eyes open, she looked at him inquiringly. Gently he smiled down at her. Shivering, she pulled her palla tighter around her. Immediately Gaius bridged the small space between them and gently enclosed her cold fingers in his warm hands.
"The last few months should have been the best of my life. I finally had everything I dreamed of all those years in Capri," he continued thoughtfully. "But still, I have never felt so lonely in my life as I have in the past seven months without you. Every day I got up in the hope that you had returned. But although I was disappointed every day anew, neither the memory of you nor my love for you faded. With each passing day, I loved you more, even when you were not with me. Why did you just disappear? Did you think I didn't love you enough?"
From tear-veiled eyes, she looked up at him and gently intertwined her slender, long fingers with his.
"It was never my intention to hurt you," she whispered, "but I was afraid my feelings for you would cloud my judgement and I lost faith that our love alone would be enough to save you from your fate."
Suddenly she began to cry and not wanting to let go of her hands; he leaned his forehead against hers. Quietly he asked her if she still felt that way. She laughed softly.
"Oh Gaius," she sighed, "I know that fate is in our own hands. I'm sorry I lost faith in us. Can you forgive me?"
"Do you love me, Aurelia?" he murmured in her ear. Her breathed "yes" echoed deep in his heart. As if her hands were the only thing anchoring him to this world, he clasped them. In his wonderful, sky-blue eyes she saw nothing but love and warmth. Tenderly, he kissed her forehead and finally spoke the words that had been burning on his soul for months: "Marry me."

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