Chapter 6 ~ Somehow different

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Lost in thoughts Gaius wandered through the floors of the great villa. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder, he flinched and turned around fast. When was the last time someone was able to sneak up at him? He couldn't remember. When did he started to become so careless? In the same moment he put on his inscrutable, friendly-looking face, hid his emotions behind his mask and looked in the face of his great-uncle that was stricken in years. Tiberius's whole body poured because of his overdosed use of parfum so that Gaius started to get this well-known feeling of dizziness that he always had then his great-uncle was too close.
"What are you doing here all alone, Caligula?", Tiberius wanted to know strictly and Gaius answered politely that he was looking for his great-uncle. Tiberius furrowed his brow.
"Why were you so surprised in the moment you saw me?", the old ruler asked and Gaius kicked himself internally for his lame excuse. But on the outside his lips formed in a dashing smile and he said: "But avunculus, it was only yesterday when you told me that you wanted to show me the building site's progress and because I know how much you are looking forward to see your new bedchamber, I thought you are already there. Because of that I was turning my mind to find the right words to ask for your forgiveness of my delay. Nobody let a man like you wait"
With every word Tiberius' strict face softened and at the end he nodded. His great-nephew was right about fearing him. At least he was only here because he wanted him to be here.
"Then let us go there now!", Tiberius demanded and gave Gaius a sign to follow him. The whole way the young men told him one funny story after another. Every single one was funnier than the story before. As they arrived the bedchamber Tiberius's ecstasy caused by the mosaics was only topped by the one his great-nephew showed. The old ruler was very satisfied and demanded the slave who was cleaning the floor to tell the builder that he expected him to bring the furniture in here tomorrow. The boy jumped up hurried, bowed deep and ran out of the room to fulfil the demand promptly.
Tiberius was still studying a giant mosaic of him that showed him in a tight embrace of a beautiful woman as the builder entered the bedchamber in a rush.
"Caligula?", Tiberius called and his great-nephew appeared at his side immediately. "You are allowed retire for now"
Then he turned his back to the young men and concentrated on explaining his builder how he pictured the perfect place for his furniture in his new room. He didn't notice when Gaius left the room. But as soon as his nose was no longer exposed to the disgusting smell, his constriction and mask fell off slowly. Suddenly he felt very tired. This bedchamber, that was more a bed-hall in his eyes, was a new level of Tiberius's tastelessness. Not even in a brothel you would be able to find so many nude humans in one mosaic. Imperceptibly he shuddered at the thought who would have to come in there with that old man.
He started to feel really safe in the moment his door closed behind him. Feebly he sank down and buried his face in his hands. Why was he doing all this? How long would he be able to continue this show? When would he do a mistake? What was the worth of a life like this? Why did the gods give him such a fate?
Suddenly soft hands laid on his and removed them tenderly from his face. Only now he registered that his whole body was shaking. Aurelia was kneeing next to him and her hair was still a little bit wet from her bath but at some points it started to shine like pure gold where the sunlight was able to touch it. Aurelia, the golden – the name suited her perfectly. But her eyes hid him the most. Their deep blue shade assured him that everything would be alright again. Her beautiful lips twisted into a timid smile like she wasn't sure how she could help him. By the gods, he didn't know that himself!
Without saying a word, she pulled him to her and he buried his face in her neck. She smelled so good and fresh. Her small was so different from Tiberius'. Slowly his body stopped shaking, his breath calmed down and his thoughts became clearer. For the last time he inhaled her light scent deeply, then he lifted his head and looked her deep in the eyes.
"Thank you", he whispered and looked down at their twisted hands. When Aurelia wanted to remove her hand, he looked up hurried and stopped her. It felt too good to hold her soft small hand in his.
He didn't know how much time passed. But at some point someone knocked and tried to open the door that Gaius was still leaning against. After some hard pushes in his back that weren't able to open the door for a little bit, he heard a familiar voice shouting through the wood that Tiberius had asked for Gaius' presence during dinner. Gaius sighed heavily. Most of all he'd like to just sit here with Aurelia in silence forever. But he answered Clemens that he was about to go.
Unwillingly he stood up and pulled Aurelia up, too. This time she was the one stopping him.
"What are your plans for me?", she asked inquiringly and the fear twinkled in her eyes again. Chivalrous he lifted the back of her hand to his lips and blew the trace of a kiss on it. His mouth twisted into a small smile.
"Starting tomorrow I will help you to regain your birth right, golden Aurelia", he predicted solemnly. Then he turned on his heel and left the room content with himself. He wouldn't allow his uncle to lay a single of his dirty, perverse, old fingers at her and he knew exactly how he could save her from him.

The whole evening Gaius laid next to his uncle in high spirits and participated in the conversations enthusiastically like he was used to. Since he has met Aurelia for the first time, he wasn't alone at this horrible place anymore. Maybe there was still something like hope for him.
Completely exhausted he returned to his rooms after dinner. The sun was rising already again and Gaius hoped that he would be able to get at least some hours of sleep. Exhausted he laid down in his bed and fell asleep immediately.

The next morning he was awake all at once. Why was a warm, soft body pressed against his back and why was a slim arm wrapped around his waist? Never had he allowed one of his playmates to stay at his room overnight – especially not in his bed. Especially because he didn't want to remind himself what his perverse uncle pushed him to do for his entertainment. But this was the only way to escape his cruel reality for a few hours, just to hate himself even more after it. He never wanted to be that way. Why was she still here?
Blinking he fought his tiredness. Me Hercule! How much did he drink last night to forget something like this? Carefully he removed the arm from his waist. Slowly he counted to ten to fight the raising nausea, then he opened his eyes, turned his head and was shocked.
By the gods, what did he do? Next to him slept Aurelia peacefully and her hair was softly glowing like polished gold in the sunlight. He didn't... No, they were both still fully dressed. Slowly his memories came back and he relaxed. As long as she was still afraid of him, he wouldn't let her give any idea about his growing desire for her.
Gently he reached out his hand but stopped himself in the last moment. By Venus, he had to become reasonable. Although every inch of his body was screaming to stay at her side and to enjoy the moment as long as it lasted, he stood up and left the room.
Angry with himself he was sitting in the sauna and tried desperately to get her image out of his mind. When had a girl ever fascinated him like the stranger that he was hiding in his room for almost a month. But since Aurelia was in his life everything was somehow different. He had to know who she truly was or he was going to lose his mind.

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