Chapter 18 ~ Too perfect

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Gaius stood calmly at the stern of the ship and politely ignored the retching of his great-uncle, who was desperately holding on to the railing. As far as the old man was leaning over the railing, his weight should have pulled him into the sea long ago if Macro and Clemens were not holding him so ironclad. How the two praetorians fulfilled their duty without also throwing up, irritated by the "scent" of the princeps, was beyond him. In any case, he admired them for this steadfastness. To celebrate, Tiberius had used even more of the sickeningly sweet oils, ointments and creams.
The wind ruffled Gaius' hair. For a month he just hadn't gotten around to having it cut and now it was just a touch too long for his taste. The smaller Capri got behind them, the lighter Gaius' heart became. If he closed his eyes and concentrated on the smell of the sea, he could pretend for a moment that Tiberius was still in his villa.
"How much longer?" moaned Tiberius as gracefully as he could. The commander of the ship assured him they would be in port in five minutes. Gaius closed his eyes and smiled. Soon he would see her again.

As soon as his feet were on solid ground again, he could hardly contain his impatience. Again and again he reminded himself not to make a mistake.
After the short boat trip, Tiberius had to take a three-hour rest, which he spent in the thermal baths of the small port city. Gaius, together with the other praetorians who had not positioned themselves in the thermal baths for Tiberius' protection, supervised the unloading of the ship. In doing so, he skilfully ignored Clemens, as he had done for the past four months, as soon as another person was in their vicinity.
It was clear to him that Tiberius only wanted to appear at his best when they arrived. If the old man wanted to wear him down, however, he was mistaken. Gaius had had to wait so long for a reunion with his four favourite girls that a few hours more or less didn't matter now.
Although the sun had reached its highest point by now, Gaius shivered. It really was surprisingly cold for March. If Tiberius would finally have enough of the local whores, they could also finally travel on. Despite the imperial palanquin and the thirty carriages, it would take them no less than half an hour to reach the villa. After all, it was only up the hill and then once sharp left at the end of the road.
At last the princeps appeared in all his splendour and startled the poor slaves. Not three minutes later, Gaius was trotting on his horse next to the imperial palanquin, entertaining his great-uncle with little stories about his sisters.
The carriage had even reached the elegant villa after twenty minutes and Gaius was relieved to find that Drusilla, Agrippina and Julia had already taken their positions on the top step. As the imperial palanquin was parked, they strode elegantly down the few steps together, greeting their princeps warmly one by one. After his sisters had sufficiently affirmed what an honour it was to be allowed to host the princeps and Tiberius, visibly flattered by the attention of three such beautiful young women, said that now they too might greet their poor brother, each of his sisters drew him in turn into a brief embrace and he pressed a gentle kiss to each of their foreheads.
With a bewitching smile, Julia turned back to her great-uncle and led him into the "modest villa, which shone with new splendour just by his presence". Inside, the house slaves had already taken the luggage to the various guest bedrooms and were now ready to hand refreshments to the guests or lead them to the baths to wash off the dirt of the journey. Gratefully, Gaius accepted a sip of wine and chatted casually with Drusilla. He forced himself to not look for Aurelia.
Drusilla, who saw right through him, winked at him unobtrusively and recommended a bath. After all, he did not want to lie with them like a peasant or a barbarian on Julia's big night. Immediately a slave appeared and kindly led him into the splendidly appointed bathing facility. Tonight, then. Dreamily, Gaius smiled to himself.

During the feast, poor Julia had to share a couch with Tiberius, who was dripping with perfume. To her left lay Agrippina and Drusilla, both vying for the princeps' attention. On their right lay Gaius. The musicians played pleasant melodies, the goblets were briskly filled again and again and the mood became more and more boisterous.
Suddenly a short, fat man waddled towards the already drunken Tiberius, while she hovered behind him, elegant as a young goddess who had just descended from Olympus to mingle with the happy mortals. At last he saw her and unobtrusively absorbed the sight of her, even though all her attention was on the princeps. Her gaze did not dart about uncertainly, she neither kept her head down nor made herself small. The dark blue stola with its matching, carefully draped palla accentuated her perfect body, and more men than he cared to admit were casting interested glances at her. Her face was accentuated by delicate make-up without appearing artificial like the many other young noble women. Her hair was artfully pinned up in the latest fashion and shimmered like old gold in the soft candlelight.
The short, fat senator stopped in front of Tiberius' couch and bowed deeply. Aurelia deftly followed his example. Julia hastily put down her goblet and asked Tiberius if he remembered Senator Gaius Vespasius Pollio. Tiberius thought for a moment, then nodded.
"Princeps," the senator's voice fluted. "May I introduce you to my adopted daughter, Aurelia Vespasia?"
Gaius withdrew into his mind and became an impassive spectator, as if watching an interesting play in the theatre. Tiberius eyed Aurelia from head to toe and gave her a fatherly smile.
"Pleased to meet you, Aurelia Vespasia," he purred, his gaze wavering to Gaius. His smile grew colder. "Only the other day my dear grand-nephew brought your case to me. Had I known how lovely you are, I would not have had to mull over your father's request for a few days, but would have granted it immediately. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you accompanied us to Capri after the festivities, would you, my child? I'm sure it will be most amusing."
Without batting an eyelid, Aurelia thanked him for the invitation and instantly enveloped the princeps with her natural manner. His gaze still fixed thoughtfully on Gaius, he invited her to join his nephew. Aurelia bowed again, while Gaius quickly slid to the other end of the dining couch so Julia could better converse with her friend.
"Aurelia Vespasia," Tiberius said in a patronising tone as she stopped in front of Gaius. "This is my great-nephew Gaius Julius Caesar, but everyone just calls him Caligula. Isn't she pretty, Caligula?"
Aurelia tilted her head slightly in his direction and gave him a shy smile. Gaius eyed her critically as she made herself comfortable on the couch.
"A curl has come loose on her left side. The slave belongs to be whipped," Gaius replied dryly and Tiberius burst out laughing. Aurelia's face turned cold and she did not dignify Gaius with a single glance for the rest of the evening. Every time her smile was directed at someone else, a blunt knife bored into his heart and was twisted back and forth with relish.
An hour past midnight, Aurelia couldn't stifle a small yawn and anxiously Tiberius inquired about her condition.
"I'm just a little exhausted, princeps," she replied softly, trying for a smile but missing the radiance. "I'm just not used to such long feasts"
His great-uncle eyed Aurelia intently.
"You look really tired, my child," he observed in surprise, and Aurelia's cheeks turned slightly pink. How adorable she looked when she blushed. Gaius would have liked to reach out and touch her delicate skin, to feel if her cheeks felt different from usual. Instead, he just taught his goblet boredly. Tiberius sternly called out his nickname and Gaius gave him a cheery smile. He was quite used to the long celebration.
"Escort the lady to her room!" ordered Tiberius and Gaius' mouth fell open. Again Tiberius laughed and after a brief exchange of glances, Aurelia and Gaius hesitantly joined in. Shortly afterwards, Tiberius calmed down again and they quickly became serious once more.
"I could never forgive myself if anything happened to such a pretty young thing as you," he continued, unperturbed, addressing Aurelia. The latter only smiled at him expectantly and in a more confidential tone he added: "Not even to my own Praetorians would I entrust such a precious treasure. My nephew will take care that neither he nor any other man touches a hair on your head, won't you Caligula?"
Gaius hastily folded his mouth shut again, nodded elegantly to Tiberius and assured him he could rely on him completely. Carefully, so as not to push Aurelia off the couch rudely, he rose, bowed to her with mock humility and whispered with a mischievous grin, "Are you ready, my lady?"
Regally she stood up, bowed deeply to the rest of his family and wished them all a pleasant night. Then she hesitantly took hold of his proffered arm, raked herself under him and upright she left the hall without exchanging a single word with him. As soon as they reached the atrium, she slipped away from him and ran silently up the stairs. Sighing, he followed her up, feeling Macro's gaze all too clearly at his back.
At her bedroom door, he assumed it was her bedroom door, she whirled around and asked mockingly if he would now like to follow her into the room as well, to make sure no one was hiding under her bed. Gaius bowed elegantly and smiled to himself. He was indescribably proud of her, how skilfully she recognised any danger.
"That will not be necessary, my lady, unless you insist," he replied solemnly, and Aurelia snorted indignantly - quite the pious maiden. "If you have no further need of my services, I will..."
But she had already slammed the door in his face. Behind her she bolted the door and with a carefree smile he turned away as if he cared nothing for this pretty young thing. Ahead of him he heard Macro's hurried footsteps disappear. What did Tiberius and Macro expect? That they would give each other some secret sign and disappear into one of their rooms during the feast?
Elated, Gaius made his way back, silently praising his sisters' foresight. For while Tiberius was accommodated in the most beautiful chamber of the villa, furthest away from Aurelia, his room, where he stayed every time he visited, adjoined Aurelia's.

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