Chapter 28

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Facing the unexpected accident, the crew on the cruise ship was very trapped and tried their best to stop it, but it was still nothing. For a while, they didn't know what to do, so they could only temporarily avoid these strange passengers and hid everywhere on the cruise ship. .

The staff disappeared, and three hundred passengers disembarked.

The huge and spacious cruise ship floated in time and space.

Some candidates are already talking about it.

The voices on the radio just now gradually told them to disembark the passengers who had not yet been killed by the staff and turned into Li ghosts, which is equivalent to the fact that the Li ghost camp has lost more than half of its combat effectiveness. Such a good thing was clearly sent to them.

The impulsive candidates around have already geared up to cooperate.

Under such a passionate atmosphere, some cautious candidates were also brought into this atmosphere and became a part of rushing passengers to disembark.

But now calm down, facing the empty cruise ship that cannot find a snow mountain rose, some candidates are already regretting it.

"...They are all NPCs. Our question is to find Snow Mountain Roses. What if the Snow Mountain Roses are on them? There are only 50 Snow Mountain Roses and three hundred of them. If the Snow Mountain Roses are on the NPC, 400 NPCs, There is a high probability that a certain number of snow mountain roses will be included."

"Yes, besides, who is the woman on the radio? Why should I listen to her?"

"Everyone is a candidate in the same examination room and a competitor. How could she be kind to help us?"

"Bah, you guys who have no brains are being used as guns. Snow Mountain Rose is not on the cruise ship. It must be on the NPC. Who doesn't know the virtues of the difficulty of each exam? The story line has not yet unfolded. There are so many NPCs. I didn't dig out the story line on my body. I just said it. Don't listen to the people on the radio. What good idea can a woman, bed-warming device have? No one listens to me, you all follow It's like being brainwashed, the woman used to do MLM..."

The speaker is Li Jun from the fantasy department. Because of the thunder-type abilities, the accuracy is not bad. If the test questions are related to the force value in each test, for example, if the boss is more focused, he will always get the top ten; if it is the test question If you test your IQ more, you will generally miss the top ten, but it will not be out of the fifty. In short, it is a candidate whose score is in the upper reaches.

Li Jun used to be a thorough villain, and he did not do anything less about murder and rape. After he came to this school, he was somewhat restrained at first, but after he found out the school's virtues, he became more aggressive and became beautiful in the examination room. The NPC in general can't escape his claws. Outside the examination room, I don't let it go when I see a little beautiful student, and it has always maintained a good pimping relationship with the modern department's Lu Qin.

Last time Li Jun heard that a new student who was an actor had come to the Modern Department, he kept itching and squatted on the only way back to the dormitory, unexpectedly emptied. For him, what he can't get is good, and the less he can get, the more he will think about it. The next day, Lu Qin sent him a picture of Lin Xinghe, and he was even more tickled. This woman was young and beautiful, petite and protective. She wanted to press her under her body and listen to her moaning like a whimper. .

Li Jun's sensuality grew, and he went to squat in Lin Xinghe, but he didn't expect Lin Xinghe to take the freshman exam. Before long, Li Jun also went to the exam, and when he came back, the monthly random exam came again.

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