Chapter 61

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Andy pushed herself out of Meredith's embrace and asked, "What do you mean it's not pretty?"

"She is in pretty rough shape," the doctor replied with her head down.

Andy backed up against the closest wall and fell down it. She pulled her knees to her chest and buried her head between her legs.

Meredith squatted down beside her and wrapped one arm around her shoulder. She quietly shared, "The good news is that she has the best trauma surgeon in Seattle in there working on her. Plus, Avery will work his magic and limit the scars from the burns."

Andy lifted her head, her eyes filled with tears. She turned to look at Meredith and whispered, "She can't lose her."

The doctor rested her head against Andy's and said, "I know that pain all too well."


Andy paced outside of trauma two. She tried to peek through the blinds, but couldn't see much.

Her phone rang.

"Hello?" she asked, thankful for the distraction.

"Herrera, we need you at the station," Dearborn said, solemnly.

Andy was taken aback by the remark. She hadn't been at the station in months. "Why?"

She could hear Charlotte sigh through the phone, "Please."

"I can be there in an hour. I am trying to get an update on Carina for Maya," she said.

"That'll be fine," the interim captain responded.

As she hung up the phone, Owen Hunt exited the room. Owen and Andy had only interacted once or twice professionally, so she knew he would get straight to the point.

Andy stepped in front of him and responded, "Hi, Dr. Hunt. Maya is in trauma four. I'm her best friend and she's sent me to get information on Carina."

"Do you want to see her?" he asked.

Andy was not expecting to get this privilege. She didn't want to see how bad of shape her best friend's fiance was in, but she was willing to do it for Maya.

She hesitated, "Uh, can you give me a little warning on what I'm walking into?"

"She has suffered second degree burns around her ankles and her feet. Avery is in there bandaging them up now. As long as there is no infection, they should not cause any other issues."

Andy sighed in relief, "That's good."

He took his scrub cap off and ran his hands through his strawberry blonde hair. "However, we've had to intubate her."


"When she arrived, her pulse was barely visible. They must have been trapped for longer than we initially thought. The only reason Bishop is alive is because Carina wrapped her in the blanket and covered her face."

"What?" a soft voice from behind the pair said.

Maya had escaped her room and wandered into the hallway to find Andy.

"Maya," Andy and Owen said in unison.

Her best friend immediately rushed to her side.

The blonde broke down. "If, if Carina dies..." she sobbed.

Andy wrapped her in the tightest embrace possible. "No, don't think that."

"It's my fault," she cried out. The fire captain fell to the ground and sobbed uncontrollably.

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