Chapter 5

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The two women entered Joe's bar and immediately the loud noise intensified the headache that Maya already had. Carina could tell the blonde was struggling by the wincing she saw in her face.

"Maya, are you sure you are okay? We don't have to stay here if the music hurts your head. We can leave," Carina said.

We. That was the only word that Maya could focus on. Carina wanted to be with Maya. Maybe the connection was there afterall. "Yeah, I am fine. I have some Advil in my purse I will take it once we order a drink."

Carina didn't know if she believed Maya, but she wanted to spend time with her, so she acted like she did. "Okay, but if it becomes too much, just tell me and we can go."

Maya nodded. As Maya and Carina looked for a table, Maya swore she saw Andy walk towards the back corner of the bar. She didn't think much of it and thought she was probably crazy since Andy would never lie to her about going out. Carina and Maya found a small booth away from the crowd and noise. Maya decided that her first drink of the evening needed to be water so she could safely take her pain killers. Carina strolled off to the bar to order the water and a red wine for herself.

The bar was busy, but not terribly packed. Maya was looking through the food menu when she noticed Jack walk into the bar and make a straight shot towards the back corner of the bar. There was no way he would have seen Maya, so she decided to investigate why he was on such a mission. Carina returned with the drinks and Maya dismissed herself to "use the restroom."

Maya knew this bar well and knew that there was an unlocked storage room to the right of the bathrooms. Hell, she had hooked up with a few people herself back there. She wanted to see who Jack was after. She wasn't jealous, but mostly curious. As she peaked her eyes through the crack in the door, she saw that Jack had a woman pushed up against a stack of old kegs. The woman's legs were tangled with Jack's and her hands were gripped onto the back of his flannel shirt. Maya couldn't tell who the woman was because it was so dark, but she kept staring anyway. Suddenly she screamed as someone grabbed her shoulders from behind. "Who are we creeping on, bambina?" Carina asked.

"Uh, uh... no one," Maya lied. She knew Carina could tell she was lying. "Okay, truth be told I saw my ex-boyfriend walk back into this room that we used to hook up in, and I was curious to see who he was with." Maya was ashamed of the truth. She could tell that the light-heartedness Carina once had about the situation was gone.

"Oh. Boyfriend? Hm. Well, I just came back here to use the restroom. I will see you back at our booth," Carina said softly.

Maya knew she had some explaining to do. However, for some reason she was desperate to know the woman that Jack was with. She looked through the crack for another few seconds before Jack lifted the woman and turned her towards the door. The woman was no mystery to Maya. In fact, she was anything but. It was Andy.


Maya headed straight to the bar before going back to the booth. Carina watched Maya curiously as she ordered four tequila shots and two vodka cranberries. Maya struggled to bring all of the drinks back to the booth, but somehow made it with only a few minor spills.

"I take it that you know the woman your ex-boyfriend is with," Carina said.

Maya grabbed one of the tequila shots and threw it back. "Yup, sure do."

Carina noticed that Maya's eyes darkened as she spoke. She began to get a little concerned. "Who is it?" Carina asked even though she knew it was none of her business.

"My best friend," Maya said as she quickly drained another shot.

"Shit, bambina, I am sorry. I guess I have some catching up to do if you are going to drink away that kind of pain." Carina grabbed one of the tequila shots and quickly threw it back, not even wincing at the after-burn.

Maya was furious and the only thing keeping her level headed was the gorgeous Italian woman in front of her. There was just one problem though. Carina thought Maya straight. She knew she needed to clear that up. Maya dismissed herself once more and headed back towards the bar. The Italian was confused since there were still several drinks left. Maya returned with three more tequila shots, limes, and salt.

The blonde huffed, "I don't know why I am so upset. Jack, my ex, means nothing to me. I don't care who he is with. I think I am more hurt by the betrayal of my friend, Andy. I don't know what to do. Do I tell them I know? Do I play dumb?"

"Bella, I think you sleep on it for a few nights and then approach the issue in a few days. Don't let their actions disrupt what's right in front of you," Carina said.

Maya knew she was flirting and she had to reciprocate. "I think my solution for tonight will be to get so drunk that I can't remember what I saw."

Carina got a little worried, "Maya, I am not sure that is the best idea with your head injury."

She knew she was right. "Fine, why don't we finish the drinks at our table and then go from there. Okay?"

Carina could agree to that. She knew that she could hold her own with what was in front of her. As Carina looked down at a text on her phone, Maya took the opportunity to stand up and move to the same side of the booth as Carina.

"Well, we have four shots here and a couple of drinks. I guess it's time to tackle them," Maya said.

"Tackle them?" Carina asked.

"Sorry, I mean drink them," Maya added.

"Ahh, I see. Sorry, not so good with American analogies yet," Carina said.

Maya chuckled, "All good. Let's take two of these tequila shots together. I brought us salt and lime to help with the burn."

The two women licked the top of their left hands and sprinkled salt onto them. They lined up their shot and lime, now completely ready to take on the heat of the alcohol. They looked at one another and nodded, signalling that it was go time. Carina and Maya kept eye contact as they licked the salt off their own hands. Then the women both grabbed their shots and quickly swallowed them. When Carina went to reach for her lime to help with the burn it was nowhere to be found. She looked at Maya who was staring at her holding a lime between her lips, waiting for Carina to remove it.

Carina was confused, "Maya, I thought you said you previously had a boyfriend. Clearly, I am not a boy."

Maya shook her head no and swiftly grabbed Carina by the back of the neck and brought her inches away from her face. Carina, still confused, decided to move past it. She brought her lips to the blonde's and slowly took the lime out of Maya's mouth. She squeezed the lime and its juices between her lips, thankful for the relief it provided. Maya desperately needed Carina to know she wasn't straight. She was hoping that was a clear enough sign.

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