Chapter 15

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Early the next morning, Carina walked into her office and thought about the events that had occurred the night before. Visions of the beautiful firefighter sprawled across her desk with her legs wide open danced in her mind. Carina sat in her chair and got chills as she remembered being bent over the desk with the blonde on her knees behind her. She wasn't sure how they hadn't been caught with how loud they were. As the thoughts ran through her mind the Italian shifted uneasily in her chair and tried to relieve the throbbing between her legs. As she situated herself, there was a soft knock on her door.

"Come in," Carina said as she crossed her legs tightly.

Arizona Robbins, head of pediatrics, walked in. "Oh, good you're here."

Dr. DeLuca stood up from her desk and shook Dr. Robbins hand, "Carina DeLuca, nice to finally meet you, Dr. Robbins. I have heard wonderful things about your work."

"Please call me Arizona. Sorry I have been gone this week. I had to take my daughter to visit her mother in New York," the perky blonde woman explained.

Carina couldn't believe that there was another woman doctor who was interested in women. In Italy, Carina had to hide who she truly was, but at Grey Sloan everyone seemed so accepting. "No apologies necessary, I am glad you were able to visit your wife."

Arizona looked down, "Ex-wife."

"Sorry about that," Carina whispered.

"Anyway, I wanted to stop by and introduce myself since I am sure we will be working closely together on several occasions. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything- work related or not," Arizona said as she began to walk out.

"I'll be sure to do that, " she responded as she grabbed her white coat off the hook. She had a busy morning with several consultations. Carina was still getting her bearings of the hospital, on top of trying to learn more complex medical terminology in English. She was one of the most well respected OBGYNs in all of Southern Italy, but the move to America had been more than necessary. The Italian doctor was on a mission to prove that she could be just as good of a doctor in Seattle, if not even better.


A few blocks away, Maya dragged herself to her locker just as her shift was beginning. Normally, Maya would have worked out, had a protein smoothie, and been to work 20 minutes early to complete some paperwork. Not today though. A certain smooth-talking Italian had kept her awake until two in the morning.

Maya began unloading her belongings into her locker when Vic walked in. "Heard ya were looking for me yesterday," the dark haired woman said. Vic started to throw some of her clothes into the washing machine.

"I was, but actually Travis and Emmett ended up being a huge help."

Vic turned to look at Maya and then hoisted herself onto the top of the dryer so she could give her feet some relief. "I'm glad. What did you need anyway?"

Maya blushed just at the thought of Carina. She could trust Vic so she filled her in on everything from the past 36 hours.

"Oh. My. God," Vic said. "Four times?!"

Maya's eyes widened at the thought of last night. "Yup, four."

"How are you even walking?" Vic laughed as she questioned the clearly uncomfortable blonde.

"Truthfully, I don't know. My legs were so shaky last night that she had to use her office chair to roll me to the elevator," the small blonde thought back to the occurrence and laughed at the image.

"You are really something else. You should bring her to the firehouse sometime!"

Maya didn't know about that. It was definitely way too soon to introduce her to her friends. "Maybe one day. I am not sure if this will even turn out to be anything. You know I don't like to be tied down for too long." As Maya finished her sentence Andy walked into the changing area. Andy would normally greet Maya with a hug after a day away, but she barely even acknowledged her.

Vic noticed right away and asked,"What stick is up your ass, Herrera?" Maya put her head down and silently giggled to herself. Andy didn't respond to the question, so Vic got sassy, "Looks like someone could use a little loving to get over the mood she's in." Maya couldn't believe how much Vic was egging Andy on. She was secretly loving it.

Andy finally snapped, "Enough! I've had it with you two."

Maya and Vic looked at each other in complete confusion. Their eyes both said, "What the hell did we do?"

Vic countered, "No, Andy, I've had it with you. First of all, you decided to ditch our plans on Wednesday night, and then placed part of the blame on me. You know I would have gone out, but you told me that Maya canceled on us." Andy's eyes widened. Maya just stood there in silence looking back and forth between the two of them.

"How did you find that out?" Andy asked.

"I covered C-Shift yesterday and found the bullshit note you left on Maya's locker in the trash, and Maya just finished telling me about her night out on Wednesday." Shit, Maya thought, Vic is not backing down. "Oh, don't let me forget about how I caught you hooking up with God knows who in the storage closet a few weeks ago. You're lucky that I didn't stick around to see who it was. You walk around all high and mighty because this is the house your dad built. We love you Andy, but you have to get your shit together, because I am not sure how much more we can take."

A few weeks ago were the only words Maya could focus on. How long had Andy secretly been hooking up with Jack? Was she seeing him before they officially broke up? These thoughts made circles in Maya's mind.

Andy started to defend herself when her eyes slowly rolled back in her head. Vic and Maya both noticed and jumped into action. They caught her as she fell backwards. Both women screamed for someone to prep the aid car.

No matter how hurt Maya was by Andy's actions, she didn't want anything to happen to her. Andy was still her best friend, and even the best of friends make really terrible decisions sometimes. Maya stayed with Andy as Vic ran to get the gurney. She was on her knees holding Andy's head in her hands. The dark ringlets of her hair were pulled back into a tight ponytail. Maya spoke quietly to Andy and softly rubbed her arm.

Andy's eyes slowly blinked open and looked up at Maya. "Oh thank God, Andy, you're gonna be okay. We got you. Vic is getting the gurney right now and we will get you to Grey Sloan."

Andy was fighting consciousness. "Maya, I'm so sorry," she said.

Maya couldn't believe she was taking the time to apologize about the note at this moment. She didn't care anymore. "Andy, don't worry about the note, it's fine."

Herrera weakly shook her head no. "Not about that."

Maya was confused. Did she find out that I know about her and Jack? The blonde raised an eyebrow at Andy.

As Vic and Jack ran in with the gurney, Andy whispered, "I'm pregnant."

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