Chapter 48

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The Next Morning

Maya arrived at the station at 5:00am to make sure that everything was in order for the inspection later that morning. She would have to rush home by 8:00am to be there for the home visit. Luckily, she knew that Carina was already awake and finishing everything necessary for that at home.

Maya had been captain for a few months now and it was nothing like she had expected. Of course she was enjoying it, but she missed the adrenaline of running into a fire. She had spoken with Carina about taking a leave of absence if they adopted Josie and they agreed that they would both take extended time off. Even though Josie would be adopted, both women would be allowed up to 12 weeks of maternity leave.

The captain paced around her office and made sure nothing was out of place. The inspection was at 11:00am. She hoped to make it back in time, but needed to be prepared in case the home visit took longer than expected.

Maya called Dearborn into her office. She was the only lieutenant currently, since Jack was in the depths of his treatment. Charlotte's job had become increasingly stressful taking on the weight alone.

"Come in, Lieutenant," Maya said from her desk.

Charlotte sulked in the room and released a large yawn as she sat down. Maya had not told her about Josie, but she felt the need to now. Dearborn would be the interim captain if Maya took maternity leave.

"What can I do for you this morning, captain?" Dearborn asked.

Maya shifted awkwardly in her seat. After all this time, they had still not repaired their broken relationship. "I'm going to get right to it," she started, "Carina and I are in the process of trying to adopt a child."

The lieutenant's dark eyes widened in shock. Maya noticed her surprise.

"Trust me, I am just as surprised as you," the captain continued. "We have our home visit this morning and we should know in a few days if we will be selected to be her parents." Charlotte nodded in understanding.

"I'm happy for you two," she said. Those were the first human words Dearborn had spoken to her since they began working together.

The captain smiled gently and added, "If we do get chosen, I would take a full 12 weeks of maternity leave. Josie is a premie and will be dealing with some medical complexities and I do not want to miss a single appointment."

The lieutenant sat silently and listened as Maya shared more information about Josie and her case. Maya ended by saying, "If we are selected as her parents, you will be interim captain of Station 19 in my absence. Is that something you are willing to take on?" Charlotte enthusiastically nodded her head yes in response. "Great," the captain said. "I've spoken with Chief McAllister and Station 24's captain is retiring come spring. I think this would be a great opportunity for you to showcase your skills."

"Thank you for considering me, Captain Bishop."

"Truthfully, you should have been considered for multiple captain openings years ago," Maya admitted. "You are more than qualified."

Charlotte offered her a very small grin, "Well, in that case, I hope it works out for the both of us."

"Me too." They sat quietly for a moment and took in the gravity of the possible scenario. "I have our home visit in a couple of hours and I hope to be back in time for the inspection. If not, you are in charge. This would be your first duty as interim captain."

"Understood, captain."

"That's all, you are dismissed," Maya said as she started to go through additional paperwork on her desk.

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