Chapter 24

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The girlfriends made it through airport security without any issue and headed towards an open restaurant. Their flight to San Diego was set to board in just over an hour, so they had plenty of time for dinner and a drink.

"Cheers, bambina," Carina said as she raised her glass of red wine to Maya's pint of beer.

Maya smiled and raised her glass, "Cheers, to a relaxing three days with the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on." They clinked glasses and Maya leaned across the table to place a small kiss on her girlfriend's lips.

The two women ordered their meals and chatted about their upcoming trip while their food was being made. They both downed their first drinks and ordered a second while waiting. "Flying always makes me a little nervous," Carina said as she took a large sip of white wine.

Maya grabbed her girlfriend's hands across the table. She noticed they were wet with moisture, a clear sign of her uneasiness. "I'll be there to make sure you're okay. I won't leave your side," Maya assured her.

"Thank you, bambina," she responded shyly. "I should be used to flying, but something about it just makes me tense up. Having you next to me will surely help." The waiter brought out their food. "That looks good, Maya, I might have to have a bite... or two."

"Yeah, right! I'm not the one who ordered a salad on vacation," she joked back as she took a big bite of her spaghetti. Carina stuck out her bottom lip and gave her an exaggerated pout. Maya couldn't deny the puppy dog eyes across from her. She twirled her pasta onto her fork and reached across the table where Carina happily opened her mouth and took a bite. The blonde winked at her girlfriend as she enjoyed her pasta. "I'll switch meals with you, if you want..." she trailed off. Maya was at the point where she would do anything to make her girlfriend happy.

"Oh, no, you don't have to do that. I'm not sure why I decided on a salad," Carina said as she eyed the pasta that Maya was clearly enjoying.

Maya knew she was lying. She took a large portion of her pasta and scraped it onto the side of Carina's plate. "There's no way I was going to eat all of this anyway."

It was the little things about Maya that drove Carina crazy. The way she always went above and beyond to make sure everything was perfect, her reassurance in challenging times, and the way she looked after her. Carina knew at this moment that she wasn't falling in love with Maya, but that she was in love with Maya. Her big brown eyes peered across the table to her girlfriend who was twisting more noodles onto her fork. Maya looked up to see Carina staring back at her. "Is everything okay?," the blonde asked.

"Never better," she smiled back.


Carina slumped down in her first class seat and closed her eyes tightly as the plane began to ascend into the air. Maya noticed her tension and cupped her hands over both of Carina's hands and held on tightly. She leaned into her ear and whispered, "The worst part is almost over, babe, just breathe." Maya noticed that Carina's feet began to tap up and down and her legs were jittery. "Look at me, Carina." Two dark brown eyes slowly opened and turned to look at her. "Good, now breathe. I'm right here." Carina never lost eye contact with her girlfriend. Maya took one of her hands away and pressed it to the side of Carina's face. "You're doing great, we are almost done ascending. Just listen for the seat belt sound." A few more minutes passed. Carina closed her eyes and tilted her head into Maya's front. The blonde ran her fingers through the long brunette hair and listened as her girlfriend's breathing steadied against her chest.

Ding. "This is your captain speaking, we are cruising at 35,000 feet. You are free to move about the cabin. We will touch down in San Diego at 11:15pm. Thank you for flying United Airlines."

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