Chapter 9

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The two women ordered their coffees. Carina went to pay, but Maya playfully swatted her hand away. "This one is on me," Maya said.

Carina squeezed Maya's hand, "Thank you."

The two women gathered their drinks and found a quiet table outside of the shop. They both sat in silence for a moment as the caffeine worked its magic.

"Ahhh, much better than that so-called coffee at the hospital," Carina said. She held the coffee close to her face and let the steam hit her cold nose.

"Even I could have told you not to drink that coffee. However, there is a little booth right outside the visitor's entrance that does sell a decent cappuccino. Just so ya know," Maya offered.

"Oh thank God," Carina said. "Maybe you can meet me there on your days off when I have to work?"

"I'd really like that," Maya blushed.

Carina noticed the rise in color in Maya's cheeks and it wasn't from the wind that just blew through. She didn't want to embarrass Maya by pointing it out, so she kept it to herself. Carina thought it was so sweet how bashful the blonde got around her.

The two women talked through their first cup of coffee. When both of their cups were empty, Carina suggested they get another. Maya had no plans so she agreed. When she stood up to go order additional coffees, Carina shut her down. "No, bambina, this time it is my turn."

Maya knew she wasn't going to win this battle, so she nodded and let Carina order their second drinks. Maya took this opportunity to take out her phone and check her messages. She noticed a message from Andy. With how crazy the night had been, Maya had completely forgotten about the betrayal of her best friend.

She turned off her read receipts so Andy wouldn't know she read her text.

Andy: What did you end up doing last night? Want to grab dinner later and catch up?

Maya placed her phone face down on the table when she saw Carina exit the coffee shop with their drinks.

"All good, bella?" Carina asked as she crossed her legs and took a sip of her Americano.

Maya knew there was no point in lying. Although they had only spent one evening together, Maya knew that Carina could read her like a book.

"Andy texted me. She wants to meet up."

Carina nodded and asked, "Did you respond?"

"Not yet. I don't know if I will. I might just tell her that I accidentally left my phone in my locker and was too lazy to go back and get it."

Carina offered Maya some advice, "I don't know you too well, Maya. However, I think you are better than that. You are not a liar."

Maya knew she was right. She put her face in her hands and slid down in her chair. "Ugh, why did I have to be such a creep last night and go spy on Jack?"

Carina laughed, but then got more serious. "I firmly believe that we are always right where we are supposed to be. Like last night, what are the chances that as I crossed the street I see you run into a light pole?" Maya giggled. Carina continued, "When the mama came in yesterday, how lucky am I that I made it in time to run out and meet you?" Now Maya was blushing. "So, even though, yes you were a bit stalker-like last night, I believe you were meant to see Andy and Jack together."

Maya didn't want to agree with Carina, but she knew she was right. "I guess I'll text her back. What should I say?" Maya grabbed her phone but was frozen.

Carina took it out of Maya's hands. She tapped on the screen a few times then handed it back to Maya.

"Done," Carina said bluntly.

"Done? What did you say?" Maya asked, a little upset that Carina took charge.

"The truth."

Maya read the message that Carina sent.

Maya: I hit up Joe's around 8 and left with a hot doctor ;) dinner sounds great.

Maya couldn't be mad at that, but she would never use a winky face. "Winky face, Carina, really?" the blonde laughed and shook her head.

"I told you I said the truth," Carina winked at her and took a long sip of her drink.

Maya's phone buzzed on the table. She picked it up and read the message out loud.

Andy: Joe's? I thought you were going to some place fancy with that black dress you packed. On second thought, let's do dinner another night.

"Well, that's interesting. She is probably worried you saw her," Carina offered.

"Yeah, maybe. I'll just tell her we can catch up at the station tomorrow."

Carina agreed that was the right call and took a final sip of her coffee. "Well, if you aren't going out with Andy tonight, maybe you would want to go out to dinner with me?"

"Are you asking me on a date, Dr. DeLuca?" Maya asked seductively.

"That I am, Lieutenant Bishop," Carina whispered as she reached across the table and grabbed Maya's hands.

"I'd love nothing more," Maya answered.

The two women gathered their belongings and started the short walk back to Carina's town-home. "This is me," Carina said softly as they approached the steps of her building.

Maya looked down at the ground, not wanting their blissful morning to end. Carina lifted Maya's chin and brought her eyes up to look into her own.

"I'll pick you up at seven, bambina. Text me your address, okay?" Maya smiled and shook her head yes. As she turned to walk back towards her apartment, Carina reached out and grabbed her arm and pulled the small woman back into her body. She reached up and placed her hands on Maya's cheeks before offering her a soft and sweet kiss. Carina pulled away slowly, but Maya wasn't done yet. Carina lifted a finger to the lips of Maya and said, "No more, bella. We can save the rest for later." The Italian woman let go of the blonde and made her way up the steps of the town-home.

Maya stood there with her mouth hanging wide open. She couldn't believe the impact this woman had on her body. 7:00 couldn't come soon enough.

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