Chapter 71

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"Bella, keep sleeping, I'll get her," Carina said groggily as she placed a soft kiss on her wife's forehead.

The working moms had been back on the job for three weeks now. They finally had a three day stretch where both of them were off. As a family, they decided that they were going to have a relaxing few days together with nothing on their agenda.

"Mhmm," Maya whimpered as she lost contact with her wife. "Bring her back in here with you," she added.

Carina made her way to Josie's nursery and saw her littlest bambina standing up, holding onto the crib rails. Josie offered her mama a gummy smile and giggled lightly as she was scooped up.

The mama pulled her daughter's bottom lip down and noticed that her first tooth had started to pop through. "Awe, look at you my big girl," Carina said cheerfully. "No wonder you have been a little cranky for grandma."

She laid Josie down on the changing table and changed her diaper and put her in fresh pajamas. The family had no plans to leave today, so it was only right that even the smallest DeLuca got to remain comfortable, too. The mama took Josie to their room and laid her next to her sleeping mommy while she went to the kitchen to prepare her bottle.

"Ow!" Maya winced when she felt someone yank on her blonde hair. She squeezed her eyes shut when she felt the twang of pain again. "What the heck?" Maya opened her eyes and saw Josie crawling on top of her with a fistful of her hair. "Jojo! What are you doing you silly girl?"

Maya's tone completely changed when she realized her daughter was the one pulling on her hair. She sat up slightly in bed and pulled the little girl to her chest. Josie settled into her mommy and rested her head against her as Maya ran her fingers through her wild curls.

"Hi, my girls," Carina said as she settled back into bed next to them. Maya leaned over and kissed the Italian softly. Josie perked her head up and immediately grabbed for her bottle.

The DeLuca family laid in bed for another hour and enjoyed the company of one another. The moms caught up after their busy weeks at work and the small girl played with a few toys they had piled on the bed for her.

"So, now that we have gotten into a routine, how are you feeling about work?" Maya asked her wife.

Carina sipped her espresso and sighed. She was still so undecided on what she wanted to do. The doctor had loved being back at Grey Sloan, but more than anything she loved mornings like this with the two loves of her life.

"I can tell it's weighing heavily on you, love," Maya whispered. Josie had dozed off for her morning nap between her two mamas.

A tear escaped Carina's eye. She looked down at her sweet daughter and rubbed her thumb across her soft baby face. "I just hate that I am missing out on so many of her milestones," she said quietly.

"I know it's hard, babe." Maya didn't want to say anything that would offend Carina. She had decided to be a supportive and loving wife, regardless of the decision her wife made.

"I've been thinking that joining a private practice would help free up my schedule a little more. I did some research and there are a few practices nearby that are looking for physicians part-time, just someone to cover occasional night shifts or vacations."

"Is that what you want?" Maya asked. Josie started to mumble in her sleep. Maya picked her up and laid her across her belly. The little girl quickly fell back asleep at the comfort and warmth of her mommy.

Carina turned on her side to look at both of them. She rested her face in the palm of her hand and smiled lightly. "I'm still not sure, I think I will give it another month," she shared.

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