Chapter 18

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After another round of pleasure, the two women turned to face one another as their heads rested on the pillows at the top of Maya's bed. Carina reached her hand out and pressed it to Maya's cheek. She held it there momentarily and looked deeply into her lover's eyes.

"How is it that we haven't even known each other for a week?" Maya softly whispered.

The curly haired brunette smiled at the question and responded, "You've made my first weeks in America better than I could have ever expected." The firefighter blushed. "As much as I would love to sit here and gush over you, I need to eat before I get grumpy."

Carina started to sit up and didn't get too far before Maya wrapped her arms around the doctor's slender waist. "No, a few more minutes, please." Carina couldn't deny the big blue puppy dog eyes. "I can give you something to hold you over." Maya reached into her bedside table.

"Bella, I cannot take another round. My legs still haven't stopped shaking." Maya dumped a large handful of fun sized chocolates in front of Carina's lap. "Oh, that is definitely not what I thought you were getting out of that drawer."

The blonde viciously laughed as she unwrapped a Butterfinger and shoved it in her mouth. "Just have a few chocolates and then we can wander into the kitchen to scrounge for food."

Carina looked through the pile of candy in front of her. She wasn't extremely fond of American chocolate, but at this point with how loud her stomach was growling, she didn't care. She lifted a Snickers up to her mouth and sunk her teeth into the dark chocolate and caramel. "I don't know if it's because I'm starving, recovering from a third orgasm, or what, but this is way more delicious than I remember." Maya went to reach for another piece when Carina swatted her hand. "Bambina, please let's get some real food."

"Fine," Maya said as she secretly grabbed a small Rolo and popped it into her mouth. Carina just shook her head and laughed as she scooted her way to the end of the bed. She grabbed the fluffy white robe from earlier and made her way into the kitchen.


Carina gave Maya a quick kiss goodbye as she exited the blonde's apartment and left for her twelve hour shift at the hospital. She wouldn't be off until midnight now because she had adjusted her schedule, but it was worth it because of the extra time she got to spend with her lover.

Maya never handled free time well. Her entire life she worked hard to stay busy. In fact, she had never used a single day of her personal time off during her time as a firefighter. The more time Maya spent alone the worse her thoughts would start to wander into darkness. She decided to throw on her workout clothes and head out for a run. Andy only lived three miles away, so she texted her and said she was going to run over to check on her. The two women still hadn't addressed the elephant in the room of who the baby's father was.

Andy opened the door perkier than normal. "I'm so glad you stopped by! I have been going crazy. I was ready to go back to work the next day, but Sullivan wouldn't allow it."

Maya made her way into Andy's home. She lived in the ranch-style home that she grew up in. When her father passed away he left it to her. The blonde kicked off her sneakers and made her way into the kitchen for a bottle of water. Maya had spent so much time here the last five years, that it felt like her house too. She took a big gulp and said, "Sullivan really is the worst, right? Like, I can't be the only one who sees that?"

Andy's body language shifted, but luckily Maya hadn't noticed. "I don't know, Maya, he's not as bad as you think."

Maya whipped her head around and exclaimed, "What? Are you kidding me? He walks around like he's all high and mighty. He joined the station and made no effort to be a part of our family. I don't get it. He wonders why so many of us barely acknowledge his presence. It seems pretty clear to me."

At First Glance- A Marina Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now