Chapter 27

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"I do not miss the Seattle cold," Carina said as they settled into their lounge chairs next to the pool. The sun was at its peak and beating down on the two girlfriends. The pool was not busy and only had a few patrons laying around and swimming.

Maya smiled and agreed, "Sometimes I ask myself why I decided to stay in the dreariest city in the U.S." She pulled out the sunscreen from her bag and started to lather it on her thighs. Carina took the bottle right from her hand without asking and began to spread the lotion on her girlfriend herself.

"Si, I've thought the same," Carina added as she motioned for Maya to turn around so she could spread the lather across her muscular back. She continued, "I came to Seattle just for Andrea, but if he leaves, then I might too."

"Where would you want to move to if you had the choice?" Maya asked. The blonde took the bottle away from Carina and set it back in her bag. Carina took out her sun oil, with very little SPF compared to the thick lotion Maya had to use on her pasty skin. "Let me oil you up, now," Maya said with a wink while she waited for her girlfriend to respond to her question.

The Italian thought about it for a minute before saying, "I'm not sure I would even stay in the U.S. I have visited South America and love the beaches. But, if I had to stay in the U.S., then I would probably move south to this area because I adore the sun."

Maya wasn't sure what she thought about Carina's response. She couldn't see herself moving this far south. She loved the sunny weather, but she also craved the four seasons. Living in southern California or South America it would mainly be one thing- hot. She decided not to think too much about it. They were in love, but it was way too soon for them to think too far into the future.

"Should we order some drinks, bambina?" Carina asked. They two women had gotten comfortable, Maya underneath an umbrella and Carina directly in the sun.

"Let's! I'll motion over a waiter." The perk of going to such a classy resort is that neither woman would have to lift a finger all weekend. Though today had started rocky, both women were in the mindset that the remainder of the day could be perfect. "I'm thinking I want a margarita. What do you want, love?"

"Something fruity," the Italian responded in a thick accent.

"How about a mai-tai? I think you would like that," Maya suggested.

"Sounds refreshing, that'll work," Carina responded.

After a few drinks each, the women were feeling a little tipsy. Maya signaled the waiter again and ordered a round of tequila shots with salt and limes. "Bella, what are you thinking?" Carina slurred.

Maya gave her a sly smile and said, "Remember our first night at Joe's? I thought we could relive it." She all of a sudden got embarrassed and slid down in her lounger and covered her face with her large beach hat.

The Italian nodded slowly. She thought it was sweet that Maya wanted to relive their first night together, but she also knew for a fact that the shot would throw both women over the edge. "Why don't we take our shots to go?"

"What do you mean?" Maya asked as she peered from under her hat.

"You and I both know if we take these that we won't be able to walk back to our room. I also suspect that the tequila might make us start to take our clothes off..."

Maya cut her off and said, "Sold, let's get these shots to go for sure."


The two women didn't even make it back to their room before taking the shots in the hallway. Carina licked the salt off of Maya's neck and downed the shot before taking the lime out of her girlfriend's mouth. Maya followed suit and sucked the lime out of the Italian's mouth. She spit the lime into the resort hallway and dropped both shot glasses. She refused to let her lips leave her girlfriend's mouth. Maya pushed Carina up against the outside of their hotel room. The harshness of the shove took Carina's breath away. Maya reached in her bag for her keycard and scanned their way into the room.

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