Chapter 58

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The fiances decided to check into their downtown hotel before going to Joe's. They wanted to drop their car off and then Uber over to the bar. Maya had booked them a room at the same swanky hotel they stayed in a few months ago when they escaped Andy for a night.

"Ahh, nice to see you are returning again, Mrs. Bishop," the man at the reception desk said.

"Actually, it's the soon to be Mrs. DeLuca," Maya said firmly. She reached down and squeezed Carina's hand as she pulled her credit card out for payment.

"My apologies, ladies. We had a last minute cancellation and are able to upgrade you the Presidential Suite, if that suits your needs. Would you be interested?" he asked.

Carina jumped up and down and begged, "Please, please bella."

The blonde smirked, she knew it would cost her a small fortune, but she was willing to do anything to make her fiance happy. "That would be fine," she said smugly to the man.

He handed them their set of key cards and instructed them to take the elevator to the top floor. The hotel had 25 floors and the presidential suite was only one of five rooms on the top floor. Unfortunately for the handsy couple, the elevator was packed the entire ride up.

"Oh, this is divine," Carina sighed as she opened the door to the large living area. The hotel room boasted two bedrooms, a kitchenette, dining area, living area, and two bathrooms. It was larger than their apartment.

"I wish we could stay here for more than one night," Maya said as she set their duffle bags down at her feet.

"But, that would mean we would be away from our girl another night..." Carina said with a pouty lip.

Maya picked Carina up off her heels and spun her around. This had become their little thing. "Well, we wouldn't want that, would we?"

The Italian kicked her legs in the air and shared, "No, I already miss her."

The fire captain put her back down and said, "This is good for us and Josie, babe. She gets some time with my mom and we get an entire night of uninterrupted sleep."

"Mhm," Carina agreed. "However, if the car ride is any indication of how much sleep we will be getting, then I think we will be leaving here more tired than when we arrived."

The blonde raised her eyebrow at her fiance. "Well, then we can just alternate naps tomorrow to catch up."

Carina nodded her head slowly in agreement. They made their way into the larger of the two bedrooms and collapsed onto the bed. The doctor turned on her side so she could look at Maya.

"I'm sorry about earlier today, bellina. I just got so worked up and couldn't compose myself," she said softly.

Maya turned on her side, so she could back into her lover and be the little spoon. She quietly said, "I told you, you don't need to apologize babe. Being a new mom is a lot to handle and sometimes it just becomes too much. We just needed a break."

"Yeah, I guess. It's just..." she stumbled over her words for a moment. "I don't know."

The captain back in even closer to her and turned her head so she could look up into her favorite pair of dark eyes. "Talk to me, Carina."

She sighed out and spilled what was on her mind. "I just see you being so strong all the time. You haven't broken down since we brought her home. You are always the first to jump up and get her when she cries. She immediately calms down when she's in your arms. I just feel like I am doing something wrong. I almost feel like she doesn't love me like she loves you..."

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