Chapter 6

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As Carina took the lime out of her mouth, she couldn't help but blush at the large ocean blue eyes staring at her. The two women shared a brief moment of bliss before it was interrupted by the sound of a loud beep.

"I am not on call tonight. Why am I being paged?" Carina groaned as she grabbed her pager out of her bag. She read the message and then grabbed her cell phone and called Dr. Bailey. "Dr. Bailey, I am not on call. Why am-" she was cut off. "I understand. I will be there immediately."

Maya watched as Carina's entire body language shifted from flirtatious to concerned. "Is everything alright? Do you need to leave?" Maya asked, quietly hoping the answer to the second question was no.

"The mother from the car wreck. She has crashed and we must deliver the baby as soon as possible. There was some internal bleeding that the scans did not catch. I have to get to Grey Sloan immediately," Carina shared exasperated as she began to gather everything into her purse and stand up. Maya immediately stood up and made way for Carina to exit the booth.

"You've been drinking, are you sure this is a good idea, Carina?" Maya asked as the two women were weaving their way through the crowd towards the exit.

"Bella, I am fine. I am Italian. I can handle more than two tequila shots," Carina smirked as she turned around to look at a dejected Maya with her head down.

Maya understood. She was upset their night was ending so abruptly. She hoped that the message she wanted to get across was clear. As the two women exited the bar, Maya took out her cell phone and pulled up the Uber app hoping to locate a car to take her home.

"Maya, what are you doing?" Carina asked as she was about to cross the street towards the hospital. She noticed that Maya was about five feet behind standing under the lamp pole from earlier this evening.

"I am calling an Uber. We can catch up another time," Maya stated.

"That is ridiculous, bambina. Our night is still young. We both do not have to work tomorrow. Come to the hospital with me. You can wait in my office while I check on the mother and child," Carina suggested.

"I don't want to get in the way," Maya whispered.

Carina quickly walked back towards the blonde and grabbed her hand. She started to drag her towards the cross-walk. "You won't be. Plus, my office is still a mess. Maybe you could help set it up a little while I am with the patient." Carina was desperate to spend more time with Maya, but she was running out of time to convince her.

"Alright, I can do that," Maya finally agreed.

"Good, now let's run," Carina yelled before she dragged the blonde across the crosswalk and quickly through the corridor of the hospital.


By now it was approaching 11:00pm and the hospital was relatively quiet. The two women ran through the lobby and headed towards the elevators. While they were waiting, Carina looked down at Maya and took her hand into hers. She intertwined their fingers and gave her hand a soft squeeze. The shorter blonde woman looked up from the ground and into her favorite pair of chestnut eyes. Their blissful moment was interrupted once again because a second later the elevator dinged and signaled that it was their time to get on.

The elevators that were usually stuffed with visitors were empty. Carina never let go of Maya's hand and simultaneously pushed the button for the sixth floor. At this point, Maya didn't care about her record of self-care Wednesday. She was happy to be spending her evening with Carina, no matter how chaotic the night had been.

Maya was doing everything to keep her mind off of the curly haired brunette standing beside her. She knew if she thought of her that her cheeks would begin to blush and that her palms would sweat. Sweaty palms while holding the hand of a beautiful woman was the last thing she wanted.

Carina noticed that Maya was distracted. She could tell that she was fidgety by the way she was swaying on her heels and looking around at the signs and posters in the elevator.

The elevator dinged as they went past the second floor.

Their evening had been anything but romantic. In fact, it had been tumultuous from the start. Carina knew she had four more floors to change that.

Carina let go of Maya's hand. She grabbed her waist and turned towards her. The two women shared a quiet moment of understanding that they both wanted the exact same thing.

Just as Carina began closing the gap between the two women, the elevator dinged again. This time on the third floor where they came to an abrupt stop and the doors opened.

"Seriously?!" both women said quietly in unison. They looked at one another and softly giggled with their heads down.

A large group of doctors entered the elevator. One doctor aggressively pushed the sixth floor button again. Carina assumed that they were all heading up to the sixth floor to assist with the mother and child. Maya and Carina made their way to the back of the elevator.

Andrea was in the middle of the group and peering over the shoulder of a smaller doctor when he noticed his older sister in the back with a small blonde woman. He asked, "Carina, what are you doing back at the hospital? I thought your shift was over."

The brunette looked up from the ground and saw her baby brother in the midst of the group. She quickly let go of Maya's hand.

"I was paged to assist the mother. I am going to run into my office to change and then I will be right there," Carina quickly shared.

Maya noticed how quickly Carina let go of her hand when the young man began speaking to her. It wasn't her place to ask about it though. Maybe Carina was not out yet. She did not want to pressure her into anything she was uncomfortable with.

The elevator unloaded onto the sixth floor and Carina led the way towards her new office. She would normally change in the attendings' lounge, but for the sake of time she needed to change into her pink scrubs in her office. There was just one problem though. A beautiful blonde woman would be in the office with her.

"Bambina, this is my office. I have to quickly change and assist. Feel free to make yourself comfortable at my desk. If you want, you can unload some of my boxes. I have nothing to hide," Carina smirked.

Carina made her way over to a tall cabinet where she took out a set of light pink scrubs. Maya tried her best to not look as the beautiful brunette undid the buttons on her blouse. Carina was facing away from her though, so Maya was able to sneak a couple of glances her way. The Italian woman was beyond gorgeous. Maya had never seen someone quite as beautiful as her.

Maya was in a trance. She was unsure how long she had been staring at Carina when the Italian finally turned around and noticed a set of blue eyes glued to her.

Embarrassed, Maya quickly looked down and began fidgeting with her phone. Carina walked towards Maya and softly said, "I am not sure how long I will be. If it becomes too long, I understand if you want to leave."

Maya was thankful that Carina didn't bring up the staring incident. "I will wait for you," Maya whispered.

"I was hoping you'd say that," Carina said as she quickly exited her office and made her way down the hallway towards the mother.

At First Glance- A Marina Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now