Public Results

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Callum's pov: 

I was sat next to Davina with my arm around her surrounded by Paige and Finn along with Luke T and Siannise as the others went back upstairs. I knew everyone down here felt absolutely awful about who we had voted for but it was made worse by the fact that we had to say it and explain in front of them. I knew some people more specifically Mike and Priscilla were going to be less than happy. 

Siannise then said "We chose Mike and Priscilla which was because of the past like how can Mike say that he's found a special connection with four girls." 

We nodded at that before Davina said "I know I just feel bad because literally everyone voted for Natalia and Jamie which I understand was probably about the time that they have been together but it was probably still shit to hear."

I nodded at that cause it was true I mean come on even Mike and Priscilla voted for them along with Alex and Molly. We ended up sitting on the day beds with the other two couples that got no votes before Finn said "it's nice to see that others see how strong we are as a couple." 

Davina nodded at that before saying "yeah it is I think some people are a little annoyed but we all had to pick someone like it wasn't just going to go away." I nodded before pulling her closer to me on the bed before kissing her head which made her smile. 

Callum: I mean I feel absolutely shit for all the other couples but i'm happy and I understand that some of them are probably really mad at us but we had to pick someone.

We all headed to bed as I laid in bed waiting for Davina I watched her walk through the door before holding my arm out as she grabbed my hand climbing into bed before cuddling closer into my chest after kissing me then going to sleep. 


Next morning I woke up to crying? Me and Davina both woke up and laughed as we ran to see the babies before I grabbed the baby holding it in my arms. We went to sit on the bed with the baby as Molly and Alex right next to us seemed to not be happy. I could tell that Molly was not a fan of babies we named our baby Alyssa Grace Jones. I passed the baby to Davina as she was crying and immediately Alyssa was quiet I looked at Davina and laughed at that. 

I then heard that Alex named the baby Elvis before saying "Alex you did not just give the baby the name Elvis did you?"

He looked at me affronted before saying "yeah what's the matter?"I just looked at him then Davina who was trying not to laugh before looking back at him and just shaking my head. Everyone was having trouble with the babies as they started crying together they were just setting each other off. 

Me and Davina who was in a beige no sleeve high waisted bikini went to the day beds with Alyssa while Finn and Paige went to the couch with Darcy. I looked at Vina who was holding Alyssa and smiled thinking that she would be a good mother. 

Later that afternoon we all put the babies to bed and went back outside and me and Davina were standing in the kitchen when Demi's phone went off as she stood up to read the text "Mummies and Daddies, your parenting challenge is now over. The couples who took the best care of their babies and therefore winners of today's challenge are Davina and Callum." 

We screamed at that as I reached over and kissed her before Demi kept reading "Finn & Paige, Alex & Molly, Luke T & Siannise, and Luke M & Demi also passed the challenge. Mike & Priscilla, Jess & Ched, and Jamie & Natalia failed. As more than half of you passed, you will be rewarded with a party tonight. #wetthebabyshead" We all screamed as Demi finished just excited that we were going to get a party. 


Davina's pov:

After we passed the baby challenge we all headed to the dressing rooms to change for the party as I got dressed for the night we all discussed that we needed this night to relax. I got dressed in a pink satin dress with a silver pair of heels. 

I walked outside and met Callum who gasped and practically drooled after seeing me

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I walked outside and met Callum who gasped and practically drooled after seeing me. We all toasted to meeting each other and most of us passing the baby challenge before dancing. I was dancing with Callum who absolutely refused to let go of me which made me smile. 

We then heard a phone go off which made all of us groan thinking about what it could possibly be. Mike then announced that he got a text before reading it out loud "All islanders must gather at the fire pit immediately." My heart absolutely dropped as we all headed to the fire pit not because I was worried but because a lot of people were going to be going home tonight. 

We then heard someone get a text which turned out to be Finn as he read it " Demi & Luke M, Jess & Ched, Molly & Alex, Natalia & Jamie, and Priscilla & Mike you were voted by your fellow islanders as the least compatible couples. Please all stand up" We watched as they all stood up and just stood there waiting for their fates to be decided. 

Demi then got a text "the public have been voting to save their favorite couple the couple with the fewest votes risk being dumped from the island tonight. The two couples saved by the public will now be revealed in no particular order." 

Priscilla then got a text "Demi and Luke M" which made all of us smile as they kissed and sat down. 

Siannise then got a text "the second couple safe is Jess and Ched" which again made us all smile as they sat down and kissed. 

I then got a text "Molly & Alex, Natalia & Jamie, Priscilla & Mike you are all at risk from being dumped from the island please stand in front of the fire pit." They all headed to the front of the fire pit as I grabbed Callum's hand and pulled him closer to me. 

Luke M then got a text "the couple with the fewest votes and therefore dumped from the island is... Natalia and Jamie. You must now say your goodbyes and leave the villa all other islanders must stay at the fire pit."   

We all got up to hug them and say goodbye before heading back to the fire pit and sitting back down. As I sat back down Callum wrapped his arm around me comforting me which made me smile. Luke T then got a text "Molly & Alex and Priscilla & Mike you are both still vulnerable but only one couple will leave the villa tonight. That decision will be made by your fellow islanders." We all groaned at that as Callum tightened his grip on me and I leaned into his body. 

Davina: Either way we're going to lose an original and someone massive to the villa. It's just a shit position to be in now that we have to make the decision between Alex and Mike. 

Next Time: 

The Islanders make the decision on who to dump 

plus couples go on their final dates 

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