Speedy Sex Positions

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Davina's pov: 

We were all sitting there after Mike said Sophie's name just in shock as disbelief as everyone of the girls went to hug Leanne. 

Davina: Leanne is one of of us, she's been here since the beginning but it is so weird to think that tomorrow she won't be here. 

I walked to Callum balling my eyes out as he pulled me to his chest just hugging me which I was grateful for. I felt his silent support for me through his body as he pulled me closer. I knew that Mike was going to be getting a lot of shit if not from me but from the girls and maybe even the guys depending on what he decides to do next. 

I was stood with the others in the kitchen when I noticed that Mike was pulling Jess. I walked over to Callum and nudged him with my arm before pointing behind me to Mike taking Jess for a chat which didn't shock anyone but it was sort of unbelievable that he was doing it now. 

Jess came back and pulled me and Shaughna before saying "Mike said that if he had first choice he would've picked me." I gasped as Shaughna looked shocked which I understood why. 

"what the fuck" I responded at the same as Shaughna who said "I'm so confused" I nodded in response to her because again what the fuck is going on Leanne literally just left and he's pulled Jess again trying to steal her from Luke M. We left Jess with Luke M as they talked, when we walked over to the kitchen I saw Luke T and Siannise having a cheeky snog on the terrace which I subtly pointed out to Shaughna who clapped softly. 

I met Callum by the bean bags after separating from Shaughna who I saw was going to pull Sophie. I looked at Callum before saying "did you hear what Mike said?" 

He looked at me confused while playing with my hand before I continued "when he pulled Jess earlier he told her that if he had first choice she would be the one he coupled up with." 

He gasped as I nodded before he said "what the hell is he doing I mean essentially he's going after three girls you, Jess, and Sophie but what the hell man that's a bit muggy especially towards Connor, and Luke M." I nodded at that because he was right it is muggy. 

I leaned closer into him as we heard commotion coming from inside before Shaughna storms out to us and sits with me and Callum and she looks absolutely fuming. I looked at her before saying "what's wrong babes?" 

She looked at me and sighed before saying "I'm pissed Alex literally walked in and started on me for the fact that Sophie is crying. I am literally feeling like there are three of us in this relationship." 

I sighed before asking "why was Sophie crying?" 

She looked at me before saying "I guess because I said that I would have felt awful if Demi had gone home." 

I look at her and said "well there's not reason for either of them to be like that considering I was also under the impression that Sophie wanted Connor." Shaughna nodded showing that that's where she was going with her thoughts. 

We all headed to bed and as I got yanked into bed with Callum I whispered to him "shit's going to go off tomorrow" he nodded when he heard me before kissing me good night. 


Callum's pov: 

I woke up this morning with Davina clinging to me and I knew immediately that this was all going to kick off today. Mike was definitely making moves that no one really appreciated and I know that at least me and Luke M have got an axe to grind with him. 

I got up and started to make coffee for me and Vina as she got ready, then I saw her walk outside in a dark blue bikini with silver straps kissing me before she grabbed her coffee cup from me. I noticed out of the corner of my eye Mike taking Jess for a chat as both Luke's sat facing the South African hills.  

Later that night I saw Vina walk out in a black tight pair of shorts and a black lace top. I hugged her closer to me as it was announced that we were playing speedy sex positions and all the girls basically just got tossed around the entire time. After the game I pulled Davina to the side and said "how are you feeling?' 

She laughed and said "good but i'm looking forward to some of those moves in the bedroom" before she winked at me and walked to join the girls around the fire pit. I took a deep breath before going to join the guys on the couch. 

Next Time: 

One couple explodes 

plus Oktobersesh shit show

and Least compatible couples

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