Saucy and The Ick

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Davina's pov: 

We were all standing there as they went on their dates, well more accurately the girls were standing around the fire pit while the guys were off by the gym area. I heard Rebecca say that after the challenge she did really like Luke T but all I could do was hope that Siannise liked Wallace. 

We saw Finn and Siannise walk down to us and could tell that Finn wasn't really feeling Demi but Siannise definitely might have been feeling Wallace which was really good for her. 

After they were done with all their dates we all got to know each other and I could tell that Demi was very bubbly but she was also keeping it close to her chest of who she fancied. Then for Wallace I swear that I saw him look at me as he was talking which definitely made Callum very nervous as he grabbed my hand hard. 

Later after we had all split up I was back by the fire pit with Leanne, Sophie, and Jess who were talking about their couples. Leanne looked at us before saying "I feel like I've been kidding myself a little bit, and lying to myself a bit because I was hoping it would be there but realistically I think I just have to knock it off with Mike." We all looked at her a little shocked but honestly not that surprised. 

Leanne then continued before saying "honestly I just feel like I got the ick." We all looked at each other before Sophie said was you've got the ick you can't go back as we all nodded. 

Leanne then said "I have to go tell Mike though which is going to be really hard but I've left it too long as it is." We nodded while she said that she didn't want him around her at all which I knew was going to hurt him times one hundred but she needs to tell him. 

We headed up the steps to all the others as Leanne grabbed Mike for a chat and I ended up on the bean bags with Callum just hugging him as they went to talk. 

After they came back I went to the girls to talk to Leanne while Callum went with the guys to talk to Mike. Leanne looked at all of us girls and said "me and Mike are done" which most of us gasped at as she said that she felt a weight had been lifted from her shoulders which was a good thing. 

Davina: No one ever expected that Mike and Leanne were going to end like this but either way it definitely sucks for him. But I agree I think that Leanne couldn't have stayed in that couple much longer I mean she was most definitely getting the ick and that can be a definite bad thing if you're not careful about it. 


Callum's pov: 

I saw Mike come up the stairs and towards the deck a little down before he told us that he and Leanne were done. We all gasped a bit at that as we didn't see that happening but it was probably better then staying in a couple like that. I knew that Mike had been a lot of time to spend with her but it was shit for him. 

We all headed to get changed to go to bed and we all talked as Mike was trying to decide what to do. We walked into bed before Finn pulled Paige close and I got into bed with Davina to hold close. She looked at me before saying "Leanne really Mike dropped" which caused me to snort a little bit at that.  I laughed a little bit at that before Mike tried to decide to move on with one of the girls. 

The next morning we were all sitting on the beds talking and after Mike had talked about his situation he asked me how I was feeling and I looked at him before saying "fucking amazing mate that girl is everything to me no joke, like she makes me so fucking happy to be here." They all laughed and smiled at that which made me feel a lot better about it. 

I then watched as Luke T was talking about Siannise which we basically all responded to and told him to hurry the hell up about picking someone. I watched as Siannise and Luke were dunking tea bags and talking to each other and I felt Davina nudge me and point out Rebecca who was talking to Leanne and practically staring at them and I immediately knew that she was fuming. 

Next Time: 

Mike makes moves in the villa 

He also rubs some boys the wrong way

plus Rebecca confronts Luke and Siannise

and a recoupling sends a girl home

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