Shock Recoupling

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Davina's pov:

We were all sitting in the dressing room getting ready as Rebecca curled her hair she said that she'd want to know what they were laughing about and I looked at her before saying "no you don't." All the others laughed at that as we continued to get ready. We walked outside and I saw Rebecca take Luke T for a chat almost immediately but she was almost really cold about it as the rest of us hung out by the kitchen. I was in black pants with a black bra along with a black see through top and I was wearing black heels to match.

I was in the kitchen when Mike came up to me after I asked him who he was going for now and said "I don't know maybe someone in here"

I looked at him a little weird before saying "who?"

He looked at me then said "I don't know I find you quite hot"

I choked on my drink and just stared at him before saying "Mike look I love you but one you're not my type, and two even if you were there is no connection on this earth that can match to the connection I have with Callum."

He nodded then walked away as I headed over to Callum who coincidentally was headed my way before he said "can we talk on the terrace" I nodded because I needed to talk to him as well.

Davina: I can't believe Mike even thought of me like I haven't given him any reason to think that I would even be interested in him so what the fuck. But when I tell Callum this I mean Callum will be absolutely fuming about it.


Callum's Pov:

I pulled Davina on to the terrace before saying "I talked to Mike and he said that he was going to open up his options to people and one name that came up that took me by surprise was Sophie."

She gasped and looked absolutely shocked before saying "yeah that's not going to go well."

I nodded before saying "yeah I don't think Sophie sees him like that."

She looked at me just flabbergasted before saying under her breath "what the fuck is that boy on my god."

I looked at her confused before asking her "what's going on?"

She looked at me and sighed before saying "alright I'll tell you but you can't tell anyone else ok? The only reason i'm telling you is that I would be absolutely livid if you didn't tell me in the same situation."

I nodded in response before she spoke again "I was in the kitchen getting another drink when Mike came over to me and put it on me"

I looked at her in disbelief before she continued "yeah I know I mean he was literally saying that he fancies me and that he finds me hot."

I sighed trying to keep my annoyance down but this was fucking shocking. Davina moved closer to me before saying "hey I told him one that he's not my type and two that even if he was nothing compares to the connection I have with you." I looked at her reading her eyes before bringing her in for a kiss.

After we sent Paige and Finn into the hideaway we all headed to bed and I got pulled into bed next to Davina as we snogged for a while but were too tired to do anything else.


I woke up the next morning laying next to Davina before I kissed her awake and got up to make her coffee as she went and got ready. I was in the kitchen making coffee when Vina came out in a black lace bikini that made me smile while it showed off her abs.

I kissed her as she grabbed the coffee from me then we went to sit on the day bed as I grabbed her close to me

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I kissed her as she grabbed the coffee from me then we went to sit on the day bed as I grabbed her close to me. I noticed that Mike had grabbed Jess for a chat and nudged Davina about that. I kept an eye on her face and saw that she looked a bit annoyed at it.

She looked at me before saying "Mike is definitely annoying me right now for example taking Jess for a chat right in front of not only Luke M but Leanne as well."

I nodded at that before saying "yeah it's just a bit uncomfortable for them seeing Mike and Jess talking right in front of them."


Later in the night we were having a dance party and I saw that Davina was wearing the same thing she wore last night as Luke M got a text and announced it to us "Islanders tonight there will be a recoupling. The boys will choose who they want to couple up with and the girl not picked to be in a couple will be dumped from the island. #nogirlcode #getgraftingorgohome"

I looked at Davina who looked a little nervous but I grabbed her hand and pulled her close to me to whisper in her ear "hey look at me you're safe" she nodded before kissing me.

Rebecca then got a text "can all islanders gather around the fire pit immediately #decisiontime" I grabbed Vina's hand and walked down to the fire pit hand in hand before going to sit on the couch as Vina stood in between Shaughna and Paige.

Finn went first and picked Paige which was a no brainer, Luke T then went and picked Siannise to all of our relief as she smiled, Alex went next and picked Shaughna again to none of our surprise, then it was my turn as I stood up and stared her in the eye before saying "I am choosing this girl because there is no one else that i'd want in my bed at night I never expected to come in here and find something like this but now that I have I don't want to give this up for nothing. So the girl I'm coupling up with is Davina." I smiled as she stepped forward and walked up to me before kissing me and sitting down as I wrapped my arm around her.

Luke M went next and after a short nice speech chose Jess, Wallace went after him and chose to couple up with Rebecca. Nas then went next and after a really sweet speech chose to couple up with Demi which we all clapped for. Mike stood up to go last and after a speech picked Sophie which caused all of our jaws to drop.

Next Time:

Mike makes more moves in the villa

Shaughna and Sophie have it out

Plus Ryan and Shaughna fight

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