Dates and Tension

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Callum's Pov: 

I hugged Vina that little bit tighter as I watched Jess & Eve go off on their dates with Alex & Mike, the girls had started talking while Davina looked at me before saying "are you alright? You were gripping me pretty hard." 

I nodded before sighing "I do really like you and I had no idea what the twins were planning to do so I was kind of worried that I would be taken away from you." 

I noticed her smile as she tried to hide her blush but I pushed her hair out of the way so I could see it before she said "I won't lie I was nervous too because I really like you as well plus you're a great pillow" she said as she laughed a bit.  

Callum: I mean yeah I like her and I was pretty worried that I would be separated from her because I assume that new guys are coming in soon. 

She leaned closer into me just listening to Shaughna and Leanne talk about their worries a bit before Paige, Siannise, and Sophie headed to the terrace to talk. I heard Leanne say "as if they're on a date right now" 

Shaughna sat next to her saying "laughing" before Leanne said "I know. You know when you can just tell she's literally giggling, like flicking her hair around, twisting it, twirling it. It's not that funny love." I could tell they were both feeling a little nervous. 

When they all came back and no one approached Shaughna or Leanne I saw their faces just drop before Davina and I split up, I headed to the guys on the day beds and Davina headed inside with the girls. 

Inside with the girls: 

Davina's Pov: 

I headed inside after separating from Callum before sitting next to Shaughna on the couch as I could tell that she was more than a little annoyed. 

Davina: It felt good to know that we both really liked each other and wanted to stay in a couple. Yeah I feel really good about the place I'm in with Callum and I hope to keep going.

We heard that they went on a double date before Jess said "I felt really bad like Leanne and me get along, I don't want to take Mike from her but so sorry." 

I saw Leanne smile a little awkwardly before saying "no it's alright" before Eve asked "how are you guys feeling about it?" I immediately caught the eye of Paige and Siannise because I had a feeling that this was going to blow up. 

Shaughna immediately said "shit" which was pretty understandable as Alexander had been taken on a date. 

Outside with the guys: 

Callum's Pov: 

Someone asked the boys how their dates went when Mike said "It was a good date. I'm not even gonna lie. Like, it was a good date." We all smiled and laughed at that.

Alexander then said "I feel terrible, I hate playing two people at once. It's just like." 

Connor cut him off with "who do you prefer?" before Alex said "it's to early to say like, we've been on one date." 

Mike then looked at him before asking "when are you going to speak to her?" 

"tomorrow" Alex responded after a bit of waiting before me and Connor jumped in at the same time "do it tonight mate, cos otherwise it makes it worse." I looked over at him as we finished that sentence and smiled as our minds were thinking the same thing. 

Callum: I think Alex is really going to regret it if he doesn't speak to Shaughna tonight as it is just going to make the situation worse. 

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