Two New Boys

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Callum's pov: 

Later that night me, Davina, Connor, and Sophie all went down to the fire pit together and stood over the fire pit. I held hands with both Sophie and Davina before Davina spoke "We solemnly swear not to get into anymore love triangles" I bust out laughing at that before nodding my head along with Sophie and Connor. 

I looked at Vina before saying "when she pulled me I saw you just laying there not looking worried." 

She laughed before saying "Cal of course I was worried but I trust you, listen when Jess and Eve came in you didn't go anywhere and you've never given me a reason not to trust you." I smiled at that before pulling her in for a kiss which she responded to immediately.  

Callum: I will never get tired of kissing this girl no matter who walks in at this point I don't see my head going anywhere. 


Davina's pov: 

I was buzzing as we made our way to the kitchen with all the others when I heard someone say Siannise was going to cry and I knew immediately that they were talking about the kiss. The more I thought about it the more I realized they were right Siannise was going to cry when she heard that they shared a kiss. 

Davina: Now that it is settled that Connagh does not like Siannise he needs to pull her for a chat like now because if she hears from someone else it is absolutely going to break her. 

I watched as Finn headed to pull him to tell him to pull Siannise about the kiss before she hears it from someone else. I saw him pull her to the bar to talk and heard Callum say ruthless kind of loud so I slapped him in the arm and just shook my head when he looked at me.  

I climbed into bed with Callum and pulled him to me then when the lights turned off I brought the covers over our heads as I kissed him and then ran my hand down his body. When we finished our fun we cleaned up and I kissed him good night before falling asleep in each other's arms. 


Callum's pov: 

Next morning we all woke up and I kissed D on the head before getting up and heading to the kitchen with Finn and Connagh. I saw Connagh take breakfast to Rebecca before looking at Finn and smiling. Connagh came back down with a giant smile on his face saying that it went over well as I saw Davina come into the kitchen I handed her her coffee as I looked her over she had on a multicolored bikini this time that looked absolutely amazing on her. 

Lads Vegas was a time after we finished that but it was definitely all types of hot I mean I basically snogged the pants off Davina, Finn did the same to Paige, and Alex snogged Shaughna. 


Davina's pov: 

I was sitting with the girls on a bean bag when Shaughna asked "would any of you girls get married in Vegas?" 

We all looked at her before simultaneously saying "no" but Rebecca said "yes, I think it'd be fun to get married in Vegas." 


Callum's pov:

We were all talking when I heard go off and Davina announced that she got a text and looked to make sure all of us were listening before reading it. 

text message: "Girls, It's time for a glow up as tonight two new boys will enter the villa and you're hosting welcome drinks. #shootyourshot #thingsareheatingup" 

I heard all the girls scream in excitement after that was read but me and the guys just looked at each other and I recognized the same look on all of our faces nervousness. 

Connagh turned to all of us before saying "are you guys shitting it?" 

Me, Connor, Alex, and Finn all looked at each other than at him before saying "hell yeah because we know they will look hot as hell like they always do." 

We all went to get ready before talking to the boys and heard Connagh say that he was now on the other side of it before I said "this is going to be the most stressful thing ever." 

Most of the guys nodded with me as I knew they were nervous as well because this could spell one of us going home. We all stood on the deck looking over the fire pit before I looked at Davina and my breath caught in my throat, she was wearing a white dress with lace around the breast area. 

I swear my breath was already coming out heavy the more I looked at her, and I will admit that I was nervous

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I swear my breath was already coming out heavy the more I looked at her, and I will admit that I was nervous. Then she caught my eye before blowing me a kiss and I knew immediately that I didn't have to be worried which made me smile. 

Callum: It was nice to get some reassurance from her even though I trusted her. I think I am the only one to get some sort of reassurance while the other guys are shitting it. 

I watched as two guys in one who looked like Justin Bieber and had a ton of tattoos and the other who was African American. I noticed both of them greeting the girls before I realized that they were hanging around Davina which pissed me off a bit. 

I heard Mike say "they both seem to be sticking to Davina, I'd be a bit worried Callum as it looks like you're about to have some competition." I just raised my middle finger to him as she had reassured me and she also didn't seem too excited around them. 

We had all walked down to the fire pit and were getting to know these guys when Luke M got a text. 

text message: "Luke M the public have been voting and decided you should go on a date with Jess."

then Luke T got a text as well 

Text message: "Luke T the public have been voting and have decided that you should go on a date with Siannise. Please leave the villa immediately"

Next Time: 

Two new boys go on their dates 

High drama rocks the villa

plus couples talk and argue

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