Questioning and Arguments

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Davina's Pov:

I was still in the same clothes from the recoupling as we said goodbye to Eve and I knew that some of the guys weren't especially happy with Connagh although I will admit that they had a reason to be annoyed.

I felt really awful for Sophie, Connor and Siannise as I knew that this was just a cluster fuck for them. I knew that Connor and Siannise at least felt sort of snaked at led on by Connagh.


Callum's Pov:

I was sat around the beanbags with everyone minus Connagh and Finn before Connor said "I don't know if I can trust him anymore, he snaked me out." I sighed as I felt for Connor I mean I could have very well been in the same situation and so could Alex it's just shit that it happened to Connor.

I ended up on the day bed with Davina after she came out and I knew that from her face that she was a little pissed off. I looked at her before asking "what's wrong?" She looked at me before looking back out at the pool and for a couple of minutes I thought she wasn't going to say anything.

She suddenly sighed then said "I'm trying to understand what the hell Connagh was thinking like I understand that he has to come in here and give it everything but I saw Connor and Siannise's faces they were both completely blindsided like what the hell?" I nodded at that because honestly it was what we were all thinking.

Callum: I honestly understand it was what Connagh had to do but he definitely went about it the wrong way. I think he just blindsided pretty much everyone with that choice. I'm honestly just so fucking happy that it didn't end up being Davina as I knew that she was an option for him.

I pulled her closer and kissed her as we headed to bed then I laid in bed with her before spooning her and kissing her in bed before hugging her close and falling asleep.

Next morning:

I woke up with V still in my arms before I brought her closer and kissed her then headed to the couch by the kitchen to talk. I felt bad because I knew that this was going to all blow up today at the behavior of Connagh. I was making tea for V before I saw her walk out of the villa in a pretty sexy white swimsuit (up top) that made me want to show her how much I like her. 

I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw Connagh eyeing her as he came out and sat down which made me pull her all the more closer before she was pulled off to the side by the girls. I was then pulled to the bean bags by the guys before we started speaking about what happened last night. I heard Connor brought Sophie tea which I was excited about for him. I saw Paige on the day beds with Finn talking and they looked happy.

 I was then sat on the day beds with Mike, Leanne, and Davina watching everyone chat and by everyone I mean Connagh and Sophie. Mike looked at us before saying "last night was a bit mad though, I thought I had an idea of how last night was going to go but it just went completely left." I chuckled as Davina groaned about it because quite honestly it was what we were all thinking. 

I looked at them all and said "he really just shocked all of us, I mean Connor was fuming about the fact that he was almost completely blindsided." Mike nodded as I could tell that he was fuming as well I mean Connor is our friend so of course we are all going to be protective of him. 

Davina's Pov: 

I was sitting on the day bed in Callum's arms as we were talking about the shit show that was the recoupling last night. I mean what the fuck was Connagh thinking that it was ok to blindside Connor like that and not get lit up like a fucking Christmas tree. 

I was brought out of my thoughts by Mike saying "I drawed him out on it last night. With the way he handled it, for me personally, I would've maybe pulled Connor aside for a bit of a longer chat." I listened to that and nodded just a little bit at that because Mike was right to an extent. 

Davina: I love Mike but because him and Leanne are so tight, he thinks he now is, like, the yoda of relationships. 

I watched as Mike and Leanne left before turning to Callum and saying "he's winding me up." 

Callum looked a little confused before asking "Mike, why?" 

I laughed before saying " I think he's just being annoying about this whole Connagh thing like I agree to an extent with what he's saying. It's just he's getting involved in everyone's business." 

Callum pulled me closer before nodding then saying "yeah I can see that he cares but he himself sometimes goes about it in the wrong way." I rested my head on his chest before wrapping my arms tighter around him. 

We were all getting ready later that night, I was at the table doing my makeup I just did a simple glam makeup routine while everyone was asking about everything. I then got dressed in beautiful tight purple minidress with matching heels, nails, and makeup then walked outside to meet the others, when Callum saw me he was quite literally drooling which made me feel amazing. 


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We were all talking when I heard a phone chime and saw the Leanne had gotten a text which she announced before she read

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We were all talking when I heard a phone chime and saw the Leanne had gotten a text which she announced before she read. 

text message: "Islanders, It's time to see how well you know your other half in tonights couples challenge. #swotup #knowingmeandknowingyou." 

Callum's Pov: 

The winners of the challenge ended up being Finley and Paige which I could tell that Davina was happy about considering Paige was one of her dear friends in here. I was just staring at Davina who looked absolutely fucking amazing I didn't know whether I wanted to hide her or tear her clothes off. 

We talked on the couch about my sexual escapades with a 41 year old but I was glad that Davina didn't judge she was completely perfect for me before I pulled her in for a kiss which then got heated and our hands ended up under each others shirts before we pulled away panting for breath. I then saw out of the corner of my eye Paige and Finn share a kiss which in turn made Davina squeal out of excitement for her friend. 

We all headed to bed and I pulled Davina into bed with me before the lights turned out and we got into a heated make out session as my hand went under her shirt for a little fun before I kissed her and we went to sleep with her head on my chest. 

Next Time: 

A new arrival sends pulses racing 

the hearts racing challenge causes drama

and Callum and Davina get a bit more heated

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