Sean Paul

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Davina's pov: 

Me and Callum were sat with Luke M and Natalia outside and I was leaning into Callum not wanting to be apart before Natalia asked "how do you think Alex is?" 

I looked at her before saying "probably like shit, he told his side of their relationship and now she has the chance to tell hers. There's three sides to every story. One side, the other side, and the truth Molly's just got to figure out what she believes." I saw Callum nod out of the corner of my eye as he pulled me closer, I mean we could both tell that Alex was stressed but it was sort of his fault. 

I watched them come back from their lunch and immediately left Callum after kissing him to follow Paige and go check on her. We sat down on the couch before Shaughna said "she's a lovely girl and I think she feels a bit uncomfortable which I get." 

Me and Paige nodded before she continued "apparently he was being really emotional with her like three days in like opening up with his emotions and stuff like that, bringing her tea in bed." 

Me and Paige just looked at each other in shock as Shaughna continued "he led me to believe that we were on the same page and he's not like he's actually mugged me off" I nodded at that because she was right, Shaughna started crying as me and Paige rushed forward to hug her knowing this was hard for her. 

Davina: I feel absolutely awful for Shaughna, she doesn't deserve this and Molly doesn't deserve the awkwardness that is going to come from this but I do feel like Alex did in fact play with Shaughna a bit and use her as his free ride in here because he knew that she wouldn't pick anyone else. 


Callum's pov: 

I had been sitting with the guys when I told them that I wanted to make Davina my girlfriend they looked at me before saying go for it which made me smile. 

Later that night we had all gotten ready and Davina was there in a stunning short silver dress that had a low plunge with her hair curled which I thought looked stunning as she came over and stood by me. 

I watched as Alex grabbed Shaughna for a chat which I knew could either go one of two ways. It was either going to go really well or absolutely awful just depending on how they were each feeling. I turned to the others just trying to give those two some privacy but I knew that all of this had to hurt Shaughna. 

Callum: I mean I can definitely see the connection between Alex and Molly but I do think that Alex sort of used Shaughna as a free ride and took advantage of her feelings for him. 

I saw Shaughna walk away before Vi stopped her and asked what happened. Shaughna looked at her before whispering something in her ear that made Vina gasp before standing up as Shaughna continued to walk away. Davina looked at Alex before saying "you've got a lot of nerve asshole." 

All of us next to her were confused as Davina continued "tell me you didn't just say that you told her that you never had a conversation of being exclusive. Are you serious, I mean you've been together since day one and Paige and Finn, Me and Callum have never had a conversation about being exclusive yet we stayed together. Jesus christ Alex just man up and apologize to the girl that you used for three and a half weeks." She finished before walking off to the other girls as everyone stood there gobsmacked. 

I was going to say something but she pretty much took the words right out of my mouth. Then it was announced that we were getting fucking Sean Paul so I decided to ask her to be my girlfriend after Sean Paul performed which I knew that she was absolutely going to love. 

We all danced to Sean Paul before Finn and I were talking to the boys and decided to make Davina and Paige our girlfriends so I took Vina to the daybeds and Finn took Paige to the fire pit. I looked at Davina before saying "D you are my absolute everything in here and I absolutely adore you in ways i've never adored anyone. I never expected to come in here and find someone like you especially not at the beginning so will you please be my girlfriend?" 

She looked at me shocked with her silver nails covering her mouth as she had some tears in her eyes before smiling and saying "yes, a thousand times yes idiot of course i'll be your girlfriend" as I pulled her into a kiss before the other guys including Finn who had gotten Paige to say yes started cheering for us as we came down to the fire pit and hugged each other. 

Callum: I can't quite believe that I walked in here and found Davina like this girl is my absolute everything in the most serious way. Like I just can't wait to get out of the villa with her. 

Next Time: 

The audience votes for their favorite couples

meaning the least favorite couples are at risk of being dumped

Some couples talk about the future and outside the villa

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